
Dana lesann

Ask @Dana942

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Honestly i have mixed feelings. I love you but I hate you. But honestly your one of the prettiest girls in rocky. I feel like weve drifted apart alot in the past year or so. I miss you alot. I only kind of hate you cause sometimes you talk shit. But then again who doesnt. Have a fucking dope night!

I'm sorry you feel that way:/ I don't really know what to say! other than I really wanna know who this is.. can you please message me on Facebook?? & we can like try & get close again.
Liked by: Shayla

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You're super adorable & really mature for your age. Youre such a sweetheart. I'm pretty sure you've been through a lot of shit in your life & you seem to be strong because of it, I admire that in you & also how hilarious you are!

awe, thankyou that made me smile! you seem like a very sweet person. message me sometime or something. :)
Liked by: Shayla

10 facts about you?

ugh so much effort..
(1. i love christmas more then words can explain.
(2. i love to sleep.
(3. i say really fucked up/random stuff.
(4. i really like this guy, but he confuses the fuck outta me.
(5. banff is my most favourite place ever <3.
(6. i tell most my problems to courtney or shayla or rainey.
(7. i dislike quite a few people in my family lol.
(8. i regret alot of things.
(9. i laugh at my own jokes lolol #yolo.
(10. i dont really enjoy the town i live in.
Liked by: Shayla

Hi umm i think shes beautiful so fuck you anon! Sincerely-other anon :)

thankyou, whoever you may be x.x
but nigguh you should tell me who you are:)
Liked by: Shayla

WTF!! If randy did take your v card who did?

thats for me to know, & for you to fuck off. by the way that made no sense what you just said.

Don't listen to those pussy's on anon they are stupid cunts that should go fuck a goat cuz your perfect <3 I bet it's that slut we hate!

Shaaylaa13’s Profile PhotoShayla
thanks babes. <3
Liked by: Shayla

DONT LISTEN TO THEM! Don't kill yourself girlie, anyone who tells sometime to kill themselves should go kill themselves! Lol

thaanks! :* & dont worry i didnt plan on it! who is this??
Liked by: Shayla


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