
Dana lesann

Ask @Dana942

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What happened to you,keanna, & Cassidy at freshman?

This dumb cunt savanna decided that she was gonna pick a fight with Cassidy when she was completely hammered. & obviously Cassidy's to drunk to fight back so savanna comes up & starts getting in Cassidy's face she's like "heard your talking shit" & Cassidy's like no I'm just here to have a good time & party. Then Savannah's like "you talking shit" then idk I think she started pulling Cassidy's hair/slapping her or whatever. Then Cassidy goes to swing a punch & just slips so then Cassidy's on the ground then fucking savanna decides that it would be such a oh bright idea to get on Cassidy & start punching her & shit. So then keanna,Courtney D, & I think some other chicks tried pulling savanna off of Cassidy. Then this crackhead Brandon proud or whatever his name is starts getting up in Courtney's face then shoves keanna to the ground & omg it was just ridiculousness. & at one point I tried to pull savanna off of Cassidy too then this other cunt comes up & like punches me in the head 5-7 times. & me being drunk I didn't know what to do:') but like a minute after I got punched in the head savanna looked up & I kicked her as hard as I could in the mouth (hopefully caused her some damage) but I can't really remember anything else. It was a good fucking night until all that bullshit. xD (I'm pretty sure that's what happened).

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"you're going nowhere in life" lolol. You're out there having fun & shit & living your life & they're on ask.fm dissing people but you're the one going nowhere? lol. Fucking retards.

cassidyleslie’s Profile PhotoCassidy Leslie
No fucking doubt!:') stupid cunts now a days. Haha thanks Cassidy
Liked by: Logan finch

You're how fucking old and your are going to freshman, partying a lot and smoke pot? You are getting no where in life you stuck up cunt! You are such a bad kid for your age! You're gonna get your ass kid once you hit high school! Stop acting like long shit, you're just trash!

Nice grammar/spelling you dumb fucking cunt.
I personally don't give a single fuck about what you have to say about me:)
Now go eat shit bitch:*

Why did you go to freshman if you aren't in WC? I wish I would've saw you there because I would've beaten the shit ouuta you. Watch yourself sweetheart.

LOL & you would have failed at that, because I would have had people back me up you fucking dumb cunt. Anyways bye Hun.
Liked by: Logan finch


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