
Daniel Tyler

Ask @DanielTyler837

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Ayee danielsan , can you share your workout day split during your bulk for this little grasshopper ? I wish to try a new split if i may , what better than your split master danielsan

my workouts are available at my website www.danielfitnesspage.weebly.com , and i aint japanese lol

Whats the diff btwn hypertrophy and the usual strength training. Which ones great to build muscle?

well, they are 2 different forms of training, and there is no right or wrong, what works for me might not work for you, its all about trial and error

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Is leaning out same as cutting....? Interesting im at 1900 cals daily to lose some weight . Do u think i should continue lifting heavy with the fact i have lesser energy now ?

1900 is most likely cutting calories, cause my cutting calories is around 2.6, lifting heavy on a cut is said to help you retain your size but then again, i personally do high reps on a cut with moderately heavy weight

What does whey protein does for women

the same it does for men, provide a quick and convenient source of protein, best used post workout for recovery
Liked by: Grace Siuhui

Im overweight currently but im training for few months already , im just bulky right now and dont see any much muscle yet. Do u think i should cut and train. Then bulk again?

What I would recommend is lean down first, then go for lean bulk after that but if you have been only working out for a few months, i would recommend you work out for at least 8 months first before considering going for a cutting diet, its mentally challenging

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

international catch up on sleep day

You look tired

4- 5 hours of sleep everyday and on a low carb diet, workout twice as intense as normal and 30 mins of cardio everyday, that explains the face😂😂😂

if i got wrist injuries which type of wrist wrap do u recommend?

what type of wrist injury? i found rise gym gear to be a pretty good brand 👍👍

Whats your target for fatloss on weekly/monthly basis ? Like 0.5 lbs per week or 1lbs and so on . I'm finishing my bulk and gonna start to cut during ramadhan . I'm soooo anxious 😮😮 , afraid im gonna lose all the mass from bulking .

im on a 500 caloric deflict, no target weight loss, loss as much bodyfat when not loosing to much weight, you will definitely loose size during your cut but lean mass is always nicer than muscle mass with water retention

What does flavorgod taste like ? Always see shredz promoting it 😶


I always see singaooreans put +65 in profile , what is that ?

thats the first two numbers for Singapore numbers lol, hahahaha

Hows your cutting process going on ?

not sure slow or my expectations are to high 😂😂😂😂

What do u recommend for female who wants to lose a few kg? Food and exercise? And Any supplement reccomendation?

i cannot give you any advice if i don't know who you are or at least how you look like

You take zinc supplements ? I found out im low on zinc , do you have any idea what natural foods that are rich in zinc

im currently using zma before i sleep, helps me sleep better too

I sound noob af bc I feel im asking a question as an ectomorph—but here goes, what do u recommend to gain weight fast? I've tried mass gainers frm ON and Dymatize, the results are little :(

food is the real way to go, supplements are there to supplement your diet, when you take your massgainer, are you also eating at least 6 meals a day?


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