
David the angel

Ask @DavidPeek23

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girls that have an ass, that's nice, what ain't cute is posting it on the internet like you're trying to impress what you like to refer guys to on here as "fuckboys" it's becoming your fault mostly
Liked by: ` Monica

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some people will only pass by your life like a strong breeze that will hit you out of nowhere. but not to ever seek any type of bonding with you, and they are meant to teach you something in order for you to be a better person to the right one. they could take you on a roller coaster ride, and you would want more from them, instead of appreciating what fun you got to experience with them. you always want more than your fair share, and that's why relationships of all kinds never last, human affection never expands beyond reasoning


just realize that not everyone is going to give a fuck about you. that’s the cold hard truth. there are a select few that do give a fuck about you. that's why you should cherish those who do, each and everyday of your life. those select few will check up on you. those select few ask you how you are doing. those select few care about you and your well being. never forget that. having in mind that sometimes those select few have lives and are busy, and that's why you should remain thoughtful and considerate, and never conceded. they are not ignoring you. they are not forgetting you. they have their own character based lives and have to split time. if you need them, they will be there for you. it’s not going to be perfect. and you have to realize that.
Liked by: Becca


you find tolerance not by avoiding the nonsense experienced in your life, but by realizing who you aren't at an understanding level, which coincides with who you are as a human being

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

never pay any attention to people who say the world is just the way it is and it can’t be changed. the number of people doing nothing to resist the world’s nonsense for whatever reason are just as inconsiderate as those who are actively pumping filth into it. apathy is a choice
Liked by: Cece


you don't just believe in jesus by uttering him, you have to feel him, to know he's there when you need him, you can't see him, but only those who are grateful enough to believe in him, will ultimately feel his presence, never argue with an atheist, they argue because unlike you, ignorance can never feel great love that jesus has for us


they say we live in a world where freedom is everywhere and yet all i see is countries controlled by others, people forced to follow some shitty leaders, men and women scared to be and show the world who they truly are and i’m just here sitting by myself wondering when the meaning of the word freedom changed to the meaning of the word fear
Liked by: French beauty


the calmest part of a hurricane/tornado is the center, put yourself in a perspective that's similar to that, you're the quiet one, and you are surrounded by society that brainwashes, abuses, and betrays


they say, all men were created equally, in what way exactly? there is no equality in a snake bed full of lies, the only thing that keeps you equal is your sins, right? you all sin, your sins keep you theoretically broken, and your broken promises keep you theoretically mischievous

you're the girl who has integrity, it's the only way you refuse to allow people to drag you by your ears, to take you to the lies they want to trap your mind in

youre the girl who has integrity its the only way you refuse to allow people to


i have no friends. it’s not because i don’t say hi or smile, it’s because friendships are never authentic nowadays, people use people to make themselves look good, say you're a shy person, that brat comes to you, asking you to join their group, then they talk about you, and expect you to accept their criticism


i’ve learned to be my own best friend because when something goes wrong in my life, no one cares. i am the only one who can boost myself back up and turn my life around. no one has ever wanted to take that responsibility from me


having friends is just as bad as being in a relationship, like food, you have to keep it either frozen or in a dry place so it doesn't go bad, your friends are the same way, if you don't entertain them enough, they will turn rotten on you, and they will use what they know makes you feel weak inside and use it against you
Liked by: Tommy babygirll $$ .


normal people are never sad, they have this must do routine of putting on a fake face, otherwise they would be disowned by those who care about them, because they disappointed them by being different


Language: English