
Danny Fuentes

el anonimo?, pensaba que nunca lo preguntaria O.O pues, vera señorita, lo quitaria, pero recorde que este... que le guarde rencor por no mirar mi peli, no crea que lo digo porque me de pena quitarlo y sea un pretexto claro que no, le guardo rencor señorita, odieme (9u.u)9

Ashhh entonces nunca sabre quien eres?

Latest answers from Danny Fuentes

If your ex bf dumped you,he moved in and got married afterwards and you did to,but you’re not over him and stalk him,his wife,and their kids /family/friends. Then try to play victim. That person needs help don’t you think?! To still stalk the one who dumped her 11 years ago?

Not only because of that, also because that person didn’t move. Instead she got married with someone that probably she doesn’t love.

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