
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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If you were to make a movie about your life, who would act as you?

I would say me because I am an actor. But if they offered me more money NOT to be me I would say Clark Duke lol.

Dino, how do you go about dealing with malicious people? I was bullied all the way through middle and high school, and now, even though I'm a junior in college, people still think it's funny to bully me. I'm trying to not to take it to heart, but it still hurts. (I'm anon because I deleted my ask.)

Forgive me if I am vulgar (more than usual) on this subject but please understand that bullying or discourtesy is very ugly to me.
I am sorry to hear that. Nobody and I mean NOBODY deserves to be bullied. I say if it is bothering then please talk to someone and get those assholes in trouble, you are paying to go to school and you don't have to put up with that shit, so if they start anything report them.
Whenever I was picked on I would just use my humor or something I found funny to confuse the idiot making fun of me. Few times I would look over the person and make comments about certain traits of theirs. I remember one time I kept making the jerk think he had something on his face when I stood in front of them, it stops their insults to worry about their appearance. It was never frequent but I have fought some people and I seriously do not condone it. Chances are that person is pissed off because they are unhappy with their life so they feel the need to lash out on those they see as a threat.
Those times in my life I would feel down about it, and I am not gonna lie I have taken it out on myself (almost in the ultimate wrong way), but one thing that really helped me deal with it was knowing that I knew I was gonna be happy with my life and who I was; and no matter what people would know my name one way or another while the jackasses who crossed my path would only be known in their small circle of friends, and have their peak now while I would go on gaining more and more experiences and stories and moments in my life that they would only dream of.
I don't know what these losers are calling you or doing to make you feel down but I can tell you this, it is not gonna matter when you are done with school and accomplish what you set out to accomplish. You are gonna be better off than them, I am not saying life will be easy all the way but you are gonna face some times that will feel like rock bottom, but I can assure you they are not, they are just battles, battles to test how strong you really are. If you ask me You are one of the strongest people I have ever met because you made it through a time that a lot of younger people consider the most important time in their life; High School.
Continue to be your Awesome Self, Never lose touch with who you are, what makes you happy and what makes you an individual and know that there are people who are rooting for you, and know that I am one of those people and I know there are people around you are rooting for your success. Just remember You are Not Alone, We Believe in YOU. YOU WILL SUCCEED, YOU ARE AWESOME. (HUGS)

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Is it cool to say that you complete every WWE 2k14 Stream or gameplay? You're too damn good.

haha Thank You. I seriously am my best when I am around good company like my nL Brothers and Duel :-P

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What's your wildest fantasy?

It involves costumes, not cause I want the character but because she looks hot dressed in it. Only thing that might conflict is no matter what she is wearing, she has to answer the door real sexy like asking me the greatest question ever, "Are You The Key Master?"

next year i shall go trick or treating as Dino Winwood! and then ill find the money to come to cali and wrestle as blactus black in the first ever nL federation! i must redeem myself!!!!!

Michael Roberson
Redeem yourself from what?

Necro got duped off the ring onto the floor clutching his leg found he broke it. There is a vid on you tube about it

AHH! No I don't want to see a video of my friend getting hurt. :-(

if it makes you feel any better a friend of mine (black girl) went as Ultimate Warrior lol and if u havnt seen yet mark henry went as rick ross lol

Michael Roberson
I saw the Mark Henry, I wanna see this Super Awesome Girl as Warrior. Anyone who goes as a classic wrestler is Super Cool.

In a response to the Necro Butcher question did you hear he recently broke his leg at the recent gathering of the Juggalos, can indie promotions be that bad at medical procedures?

He did? That is horrible. was it from slipping on Faygo? I know they tend to throw stuff at that place.

Ever got to know the Necro Butcher?

Yup, Always a blast with him, Met him back in PWG days. Coolest guy I know. Hope to see him again soon.

If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Get a will going, Leave money to those who I have seen struggle, and assign someone with a good head on their shoulders to assign money if someone is in need when I pass on. Maybe open a local Film school so kids don't have to deal with shitty traffic and hard to find parking. But most importantly live life the way I am living now no worries, their will always be troubles but no worries is fine by me.

No i mean In FMW matches how they wrap it in cloth so perfectly is there a kind of barbed wire that is bends

You wrap the bat in cloth then wire, I think there are instructions online on how to do it properly. I never had to assemble one so don't take my word for it.

i have toenail stuck deep in my nailbed and too much of a pussy to cut it out, would you mind helping me?

Well I would need to see a picture to see what can be done?

As someone that seems to enjoy writing and generally being creative, have you ever experienced writer's block? If so, how do you overcome it?

Oh yeah, Every and I mean EVERY writer does. You overcome it by just taking a step back and let your brain relax, don't try to force inspiration, other times if you have a specific action or set up in your mind write that down to get the ball rolling, also if you open your mind and expand your horizons more (new music, film, tv, books) You will be inspired to want to do more or create more. Inspiration is every where you just need to open yourself up more.

I've always wondered what being slammed through light tubes felt like, sort of a morbid fascination. Could you provide some insight?

Brian Shapiro
That curiosity hit me once too, it's like a light pop but if it gets stuck in your skin (which the little glass particles tend to do) it hurts especially if it gets under your nails, and you will bleed from it.

I seen a wrestling videos of your backyard wrestling years and japanese wrestling can you tell me how make a barbed wire baseball bat like what kind of barbed wire

I never made one, the most I have done is Light-tubes. do you have a link I am curious to see me wrestle in Japan lol


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