
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

I have never been hot, but being Too Cool has gotten me into some type of trouble.

Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

You are a Fucking Asshole If You Do. Especially if you are wearing jeans with Sandals.

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What was your favourite moment while you were at PWG?

Harrison Payne
Hard to boil it down to one moment. I would say be apart of an actual feud that had build up and story AXP Vs Arrogance, which led to Scott Lost vs Scorpio Sky (I was Helen Hart in that singles feud)
Liked by: Harrison Payne

What are your major goals in life?

Make this damn video game I been working on for 10 years, Be happy in this ridiculous career path I chose for myself and become so busy doing the things I love that my mind doesn't have time to think.

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

Coke Beats Pepsi when in Glass Bottles, Pepsi is better when it's real sugar. So I am gonna go in between and say RC Cola

How can you change the World?

1 of two ways
With my Hockey Stick, or with Eric Clapton Featuring Babyface.

How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape?

If sleep got us into shape I would put myself in a coma.

You're given one wish...what would it be?

To shape shift but stay myself. Meaning I can change my hair/eye color, weight, height Bone structure but still be me.
Liked by: Joe

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

I don't really count it. I sometimes do it to either hope my looks change and I am happy with what I see or find out that I was right all along when I was a kid and that the other side is the Alternate world.

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

I would say Heat. I'm a big guy so I am use to sweating. However I LOVE The Cold because it makes the heat more enjoyable while looking pretty outside.

If you were to write a movie script – what would it be about?

I have written a few scripts. A Western, Horror,Romance, Action,Drama (most can be adapted to short films), Fake Commercials, and TV Pilots. If I were to attack one it would either be a Supernatural/Satanic Story or a Coming Of Age/Personal Discover Dark Comedy.

Which wrestler would you like to work with from any time period the most

Joey Pelosi
Kikutaro but it would have to be in a Super Happy Fun Death Match 3-Way Dance.


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