
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Tips on how to do a Brian Pillman impression? Whenever i say "I RESPECT YOU BOOKERMAN" i just sound like a Skeletor and Cobra Commander

Don't talk with a high pitched voice? Skeletor had a higher pitched sounding voice lol. Try to talk like an old man.

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Do you do professional singing? Are you a Soprano, Alto, Bass

Nope, no pro in my vocals for singing. I really don't know , Though some occasions I have been told I sound very Saxy
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

Did you read or see The Fault in our Stars, if so what did you think?

Yeah Real Downer of a book, it's like Lady lighten up

Oh and how did u discover that u had that talent? Was it a lot of practice?

It was a long hard road of me not believing what people would tell me, When I finally started doing more and saw that people were enjoying it more and more and that I have been helping people I finally decided that I want to do more and reach a bigger platform to entertain and help more.

Dino, you're over. You're over like crazy. The chat marks out like crazy when you show up. Everybody is a Dino Winwood Guy

:"-) Shucks :-)

If you ever wrestled anybody in any company who would it be?

NJPW: Toru Yano
Inter Species Wrestling: Bamboo or Addy Starr in a Tag Team Lego Death Match
$5 Wrestling: Freight Train
Overall Dream Opponent: Kikutaro

Dino! I knew you were in PWG but wikipedia said you were one of the founders?! What was this whole initial experience like, starting a company from the ground up essentially?

Nah I wasn't one of the founders, I was a fat kid who was training and helped out and got lucky that 2 of their best homegrown workers wanted me in the match (Scorpio Sky & Quicksilver).

What happen to Kendrick Lamar? have to do with Controversy

Nah I don't think a Prince song that came out years ago had anything to do with it.

Are you into videogame music? Got any favourite soundtracks?

Luke McQueen
LOVE Video game music. Tetrisphere, Flashback, Splatterhous, Pitfighter, Spider-Man Sega CD, Maximum Carnage.


Language: English