

Ask @Diprotic

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I think I found your phone number online, I hope it's your current one. Should I also text you for you to know I still want you ?

Do it

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Are you afraid of God? Why?

No bc he’s a bitch. But I am afraid of the Creator & they are not the same. God came from the German word Godan which is a deity. “God”was adopted by captive jews. Knowing history reveals truth. Then you have permission to call God & Jesus little bitches bc they are.

What if I just want to hold you and leave hickeys on your neck

Well you see my neck is located in my boxers so….

Would you take a chance with someone that promised to never hurt you again Knowing that It could be completly devastating to your mental health if the promise wasn't kept?

Hell no. I have self respect.

Has anyone ever accused you of lying when you were actually telling the truth? If yes, how did you cope with the situation?

I let them think whatever they want. As I got older I realized that you need to know when to pick your battles & that sometimes you need to let people think what they want. Oh does 1+1=5? Ok. Have a very special day for a very special boy (Eurotrip quote)

Have you ever met a person and thought they were very familiar, as if you’d met them before or know them from somewhere?

No, I’m not into Pokémon

It was seriously me, making eye contact with you & you turning the other way when I seen you. Scared to speak? ;)

I was just avoiding an ugly ass person looking at me tbh

If you Loved someone really loved someone but the didn't love you back what would you do and how would you go about it?

Timewehad’s Profile PhotoEgg_Headz
Well my ex did a love spell on me. It worked but it also backfired on her bitchass. I’ve never been a violent person in my life but that was a bad relationship. Love spells backfire. Don’t emotionally kidnap ppl.

I always had a big crush on you since middle school, but im afraid to tell you.

I’ve always had a big crush on this girl named Sindy but I’ve NEVER had a chance to tell her. I’d either come in contact with her & I’m with someone else at the time or something comes up.

When ur EX tries to move on with a knock off version of u to make u jealous 😂

Bro 😂😂😂😂 r/therewasanattempt (ps I hate Reddit now, it’s so liberal)

I’ve told you one million times but you don’t listen

I was too busy being distracted by how pretty you are I’m sorry

Here’s the situation. Father in law left his credit card at my house for a few hours. I used it for groceries and some electronics and now he wants payment. But it was HIS fault he left the card at my house and HIS fault for not stopping me. Am I the bad guy here?

That’s stealing all the way. That’s actually a felony if what you spent if over $500 so either pay him back or he’ll get the idea of getting cops involved & that won’t turn out good for you.


Language: English