

Ask @Diprotic

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Which was the funniest proposal you got?

I randomly got asked to drive someone 30 minutes away & then return their vehicle to UH campus & I got &100. The girl said I looked trustable & that's why she picked me to help her in her emergency. :|

Why diprotic?

Long story short (jk idk how to tell short stories)
I knew of a girl who was in school to get a degree in the medical field & chose as her online handle "Polyprotic". I thought it was the coolest most original name I've ever heard & instantly just fell in love with it, not her. Polyprotic just rolled off the tongue nicely, it looked visually attractive & I love the sound of it.
So poly means 5 & I eventually learned what "protic" meant. So I thought, how can I make a cool name like hers, my favorite number is 4. But to my knowledge, there isn't a "quadprotic" or maybe there is hit either way it didn't sound right. So I divided 4 into 2 & went with Diprotic. Equally awesome as Polyprotic, only, diprotic is an acid such as H2SO4, which is sulfuric acid, which is awesome as hell! Also H2SO4 has a 4 in it so, i felt it just fit me.
I know, I have major fucking issues. I'm a number kinda guy & numbers have to have meaning. It's weird. Don't ask. Seriously idk how to tell short stories, please don't ask.

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Why diprotic

What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

Lol, the smell & whether they yell at each other or not. I hate yelling. My family does it.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

17. That year felt special, idk why it just did.

Did you ever run away from home?

lol no. Well when I turned 18 & got my first car, I kinda moves to Austin & attempted to finish high school. I moved back a month later lol.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

After freshening up, I either make a fruit shake or drink a store bough protein shake (muscle milk).

Have you ever thought about becoming vegetarian?

Actually yes. Only I didn't think that through-well enough & when I told someone about it they explained to me exactly what it meant to be one. Needless to say, I definitely withdrew any vague curiosity I had in becoming one haha.

What's the bravest thing you've ever done?

I was at a house party & some guy pulled out a shotgun & began to load it and he said he that I was being the center of attention too much & that I wasn't letting him get any action. So I fought him for the shotgun & won & I went home alive. I lost my phone that night tho... $300 phone.


Language: English