

Ask @DjEn3rgy

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How long has your longest ever phone call been?

I once called someone and talked for over 16 hours with them. Even fell asleep and woke up with them. ❤️❤️❤️

Why society needs you?

I'm the hero they never knew they had, the revolutionary who can balance the world and the artist who can bring color and sound to a barron wasteland.

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What’s the last video you’ve watched on YouTube? What is it about?

I watch a channel called Nukes Top 5. It's literally tons of spooky ghost videos. 👻👻👻 Some are freaking terrifying.

Which is the funniest name you've ever heard?😚

Ladies name on her license was literally MyAnus..... I almost died laughing after she left. I came across some real hilarious ones.

Do you know any celebrities? Or know someone who does?

I know a lot actually. I will not name drop for the respect of personal reasons. But living out here in California as well as working in the entertainment and security field. You do meet a lot of high profile people. Also I have some ties to certain ones as well.
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¿Cortarías comunicación con alguien que habla mal o dice comentarios sobre tu pareja?

I have when I was younger. But as I grew older I learned to think and talk before you react. Sometimes you end up fighting for the wrong side and lose some great people.

Have you😇😗👦 ever stolen anything?

Who hasn't, some lives aren't as easy as others and sometimes you do something different n which you regret. Life right?

Are little white lies harmless or are they actually deadly?

krrice’s Profile PhotoKevin R Rice
Depends on the context. Is it to save a persons pain or disappointment? Or is it to cover your own trail of questions? Does it benefit from something positive or lead to something negative? Will it hurt more than the truth or will it keep things peaceful. It's always a double edge sword.
Liked by: Kevin R Rice

Every time I try to talk to a girl in 20’s; she look at my pictures, and she swiped left. But in 30’s they’ll probably be 30 too, they’ll have bills to pay and kids to go to school. I’ll swipe left on them.

You're only setting yourself up for failure. I understand you have a preference. But let go of the expectation and I will definitely assure you that you will meet someone you have some sort of common interest with. Don't be afraid of different paths.

Swimming pool, river, lake, sea, ocean - where do you prefer to swim?

Well the ocean and the sea are the same place.... But idk, I've swam there before. I do love rivers and lakes and you can't go wrong with a pool. Personally I love all water.

Are you good or bad at public speaking?

I'm great at it actually. I perform in front of people so I learned early on how to speak in front of large crowds.

do u like to watch a lot of horror movies on Halloween?

Yes horror is life for me. 🧟‍♂️🛸👽🐶👻🔮🏴‍☠️☠️😈
Liked by: nikki ☻

Can animals feel emotional pain?

All living creatures can. Most are just too ignorant to understand that.

Most disastrous feeling is______?

Having the person you seriously like tell you about how much they like someone else and then complain about how they don't pay them attention yet you are always there for them and let them know at one point you love and care about them. Then sitting there feeling like an empty shadow no one pays attention too.

My best friend has been sick for a while, she is now terminal and don't have much longer to live. I don't know how to act or what to say when she talks about dying and it's becoming so hard not to just break down in tears when I am with her. Tell me what to do, I can't even think anymore.

This one is simple. Don't treat them any differently. Instead celebrate the time you have together and live for the moments. In the end when they are gone you will remember the good and they will have been able to leave this world as happy as can be. You can tell you love your friend and now comes the time you should be with them and show it. It will be fine. Trust me. Love conquers all.


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