
Jasmin Sanchez ☺️❤️

Ask @Donutswag11

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Do you still love him?

Im crying my eyes our rightnow more than ever answering these questions. do i love him ? He would look in my eyes and tell me everything he saw and felt about me.
I love him with all my heart.He doesnt know that , but i do.I dont think the girl he has rightnow loves him as much as i do.
She wont give him the shit i did , they wont do the shit we did . She wont welcome him to all her family and take him everywhere .
She wont give him 4 months of her life giving him everything she had .I care about him , he probly dont know , but i do. I always do. Always have looked out for him , cared for him , loved him , showed him bright sides , protected him , kept him away from the bad , made him laugh smile. Where did i go wrong.I never had anything with any other guys , never touched any at my school , he thinks the guys who hugged and and talked to me i would hug and talk to back .he doesnt know that i pushed thrm off , yelled at them to leave me alone.Why do you think the guys call me a bitch at school?
Ide yell at them to not talk to me , push them away from me .I didnt talk to any unless he was there watching me . I never broke promises , maybe just a couple . but not as major much as he did.He doesnt know how much he means to me .
I havent gotten any better this week , each day i wakeup in the morning im worse , my moms even starting to get scared and worried. Ask her even .I dont eat , i never want to .I dont want to go anywhere , to weak. And i just cry , im hurt .I dont know what to do anymore .I promised i would never givup on us , im not. But how am i supposrd to keep trying when he has someone else ? Im not gonna keep begging to a guy who doesnt want me in his life . Im not myself without him i got to attatched.Im pale , weak , hurt , more sick day after day , depressed , im not myself . He doesnt know that though . Hes happy with someone else , someone who wont give him their all , everything i did , nobody will ever care , help , and love him more than i did . When i looked into his eyes it was the world . hes everything to me .When hed smile , my heart would race million times faster .He was the best thing that ever happened to me. The only person who know how to make me smile and laugh. Hes my life , world , everythinh. He took my soul with him.now im lost. i love him with all my heart , my soul. He took my soul with him , now hes making someone else happy .
I wish him the best though , 4 months with him were the best ever in my life. im sure everyone saw that.but atleast in my heart i know hes happy. Atleast he is .its weird how he changed me and how i got attached .I thought relationships were supposed to be with 2 people.Fighting for what thry want , eachother. Fixing eachother , helping , caring .Suppose to guide eachother through things. Be together and never leave.Now people find someone else insteadThis fucked up generation fucked everyone up .
i love him with all my heart ..

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You made yourself look bad ?...

Jorge Does This make you happy ? does saying things about me on your facebook make you happy ? does having girls come at me make you happy ? does hitting on my friends to make me jealous make you happy ? does trying to make me look bad make you happy ? if all that you been doing makes you happy then congratulations . you are very good at a game i never want to play. stop being imatture and grow up jorge your turning 16 in a couple days , start acting your age and stop disrespecting . what i do with my lofe now should be none of your bussness , i took you out of my life for a reason , you were toxic to me . its time to finally realize that were done and have been done for a big while now . just please stop torturing me and move on , im not coming back so please accept that fact . i wish you the best with everything your doing , leave me alone now , im gone .

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story of how u and ur boy met and started dating.. omg you guys are soo cute??

i give a big shoutout to the homeboy cisco.
without him making a groupchat i would have never met my boy. ❤
it all startes from when me and him were in the same groupchat , he got deleted off the group.
he messaged me to add him back.
we began talking , it kept going from there.
later days after that , we had a thing. i would see him at my brothers soccer games , he knew who i was , i knew who he was .
he would call me beautiful all the time and ide giggle inside & feel butterflys .
ahead of time.
me and him hungout at muddy frogwater
here in milton with friends , had an incredible day!
it was around 7 when he bought me my first gift a batman balloon doll. cutest thing , we were next to a bouncy castle he was holding me in his arms. he lifted my head , he looked straight in my eyes , and he asked me. " jasmin, will you be my girlfriend? " i said yea , and hugged him tightly.
from there on were strong , theres never a dull moment. i love him and i never want to lose him.
i hope everyone finds the love of their life like i did .

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How is she doing?

to everyone reading this , please stop asking me and blaming people untill we have all the pages linked to people .
all this isnt gonna make her any better
i have been with her this whole time , its all ok .
she wont be getting her phone back at all.
she wont have a phone anymore .
her facebook , snapchat , ask , and others will be erased .
giselle wont be contacting anybody.
& i wont be answering anymore questions this morning .
thank you for all the prayers sent , very much appreciated . ❤

Who's in your 15?

Armando,Cristian,Juan,elijah,Marcos,Erik,Fredy March4th Dont Miss It! Having special guests performing,free admission,free pictures @6 dont miss it before they leave! Be There @5 To Eat And See Me Walk In, Your free to take pictures with me. no passes, Just be there before dark , security will be giving stamps/braclets once your let in. ?

holy hell jorges new girl is fucken hot ????????????

good for him .
i deleted all the shit i had on my ask cause im better than that and im not going to sink down to a lower level than i already am . i rather just keep my things positive and let the negative rot . im done with all the shit talking on my ask , and im done hearing about how great hes doing without me and how hes doing way better now , and how shes better and everything else . i get it . i really would appreciate if all the people would stop saying shit like that towards me causd if you didnt know , this shit hurts . its torn me to pieces , hurt me in so many ways , turned me into someone else , and made me the person who im not and dont want to be .


Language: English