єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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If you are given the chance to resurrect one person from the dead, who would you bring back?

My uncle Ram! He was like the next Einstein! Such a smart, witty, trustworthy person and very down to earth. He was a huge coin collector, he also has collection of all the encyclopedias. It sucks how bad things always happen to the good guys.

BBQ #8: If you could only have one would you rather have clean socks or clean underwear? (These questions are always optional; if you choose not to answer I will not be hurt :)

Ahhh I would have to go with clean underwear on this one! Always having a good hygiene is really important for me. Although clean socks would be fun to run around with!

You only have one day left to live, what would you do? Who would you spend it with? Would you say any last words to anyone? :)

Hello, hello!
If I only have a day left to live, I'd spend it with my fam and more than likely with myself. Since I'm very busy, I forget to know myself better! :'] My last words to my fam would probably be, "Don't forget to do the dishes.." //dies

What are your thoughts on really rich people joining giveaways? In your honest opinion, do you think they should hold back a bit and let the people who don't have a lot get more chances of winning?

Thank you for asking, I've been holding this anger/rant for months now as I witnessed someone who's really rich and still join giveaways xD.
Honestly? I hate people like that. Let's see.. you have 3+ accounts, all with demon eyes, bb paws, cz craps, other "collections" and you enter giveaways with prizes such as fiends, zoes, etc., who do I think is losing? You, yourself. You are losing yourself to greed. Have you ever thought about "Maybe it's time for me to give others the chance I once had wish for before I became rich."? You can't just take everything for yourself and still be cute and lure everyone afterwards.
I, myself have only entered about 4-5 giveaways, 3 of them I've won. I noticed I was winning 3 times in a row all by different hosts. I then stopped because: 1.) they're giving me special treatment just bc I am their friend or I'm a guy 2.) I feel bad to those who really need it more than I do 3.) I honestly stopped caring about oW items/trading.
My point is don't let greed take over your precious soul young ones.

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BBQ #6: Why do so many superheroes wear their underpants on the outside?

This got mixed up within my 300+ unanswered question/spam sorry xD
This is actually a funny question to me and you'll know why in a second. There are so many credible explanations why superheroes wear their underpants on the outside! For example, I'd wear it like that to show off my newly bought underwear hahah
Somehow a related story:
I was on my way to go out with a few friends and I accidentally wore my pants inside out! I don't really look when I change, I just close my eyes because most of the time I'm just really sleepy xD When I was about to go open the door, I checked if I have my wallet in one of my pockets. Then boom! I was wondering where my pockets went! I then fully opened my eyes and saw my pants were inside out! Silly me :']

Thanks for answering my q. tell her were gonna miss her also, I'm not really cought up with forum drama so r u guys still dating? sorry if its a dumb question.....

It's fine! I will tell her that! Though I disagree with the 'forum drama' part, her problem was not oW/forum related at all :P Either way we both stay away from any dramas. And to answer your amazing q, sadly no, we stopped dating months ago for a private matter. Thank you! ^^

Did Juliet leave? do you know what happened with her or when she's coming back (You don't have to answer if you don't want to)

Yes, I do know what happened to her, but I only know the highlights of her story/problem. However, I (and of course her) prefer not to speak about it in public. I am unsure when she is coming back as she never told me details about that, so I apologize. It did sound like she didn't know when exactly she is coming back herself. Though we should just respect Juliet's decision of leaving indefinitely, I know she'll come back sooner or later! =)


Language: English