єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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--Parte Cincoooo--

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
╰> @blcksnta - Hi, are you even alive bby? You breathin' still? You don't talk to me (or to anyone) anymore :/ We're missing you dood. I know you have school and such, but hell I miss teasing you. I saw somewhere that you'll be quitting once you reach your goal items.. tbh I'd link you with someone with those items but I don't want you to quit so harhar. You're honestly one of my guy babes and I adore your back talking. I miss kik-ing with you and Chels, you kept showing us your cute butt and you have such firm buns dood 11/10 LOL. Okay went too far there, but I can't remember when or how we first started talking, but I just know that we got along pretty quick and you're very protective and hilarious. I remember that one day after the drama, you went to McDonald's to get some food and didn't bring me some. How fake is that? Not bringing home some f00d to your future husby? x'D I only have funny memories with you and you're an amazing (and definitely lucky) person. You also lend me your VT (which I gave back 30 mins later even though you said a day) and you trusted me x'D so thank you for that! You my lost bae <3 <╮
╰> @Drewfblim - Gotta be honest son, I miss talking to you. I love messing with you and we've been through a lot even though we've only been friends for like what.. months? Either way you're pretty special to me cus we got along well. I love how you always send me YAOI stuffs and I think I'm going to miss that, though lezbihonest.. the NAVY is full of YAOI stuffs too. Damn I swear, if I come back not likin' girls anymore, I blame you. You're very beautiful, funny, understanding, placid and practical. You never get mad at the very small things. Tbh your boyfriend will be lucky to have you (just please not Seth). I think I beat you in Nicole's hide-n-seek so Ily but yea I win. I'm the pumpqueen. Also, you need to stream me some yuris before I go, Yuunachi's streaming me some soon ;] I have only so many good things to say about youuu <3 <╮
╰> @RainyLatte - Whaa happened to your other acc gurl? Kidding xD I think that you're really helpful around the forums especially around newcomers and that makes me happy. Knowing that someone is still willing to help new people around is rare nowadays since some people hate talking to n00bs. I think we've been having this spam battle lately, and I like how you're very supportive and open to suggestions on the forums and how you spam everyone on askfm xD You're very considerate, thoughtful, and kind! I saw your thank you list awhile back then btw and you put "Ezekiel - for gifting me leveled potion", I gave you the Feeling Bunny Hair I think but I let it go anyway xDD You're very adorbs and sometimes I confuse you with Dazzle for some reason o.e We need to talk more though instead of having spam battle :'] <╮
Sorry if I do my honest opinions very long, I wanted to get it all out before leaving for 2 months :']

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--Parte Cuatroooo--

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
└> @MissKana - I think we've had way too many arguments xD Though since you act very white to me, I thank you for giving me starbucks! I haven't tried the ones you recommended me so far. You're like my starbucks navigator hahah. Okay all serious now, first impression: Picky and snob, but I think your first impression of me was worse so we're even now. You sleep a lot, mostly online on PT and I don't know who my real dad is tbh. One day he's Hispanic, then he's Italian, then Russian, then he's Asian (never gonna happen).. like make up your goddamm mind woman hahaha. You're very amusing, understanding and forgiving. You're just a very calm person to talk to. I don't know why we didn't talk when we met the first time, guess you didn't like me back then as you said xD <┐
└> @Einshineee - You're welcome for the Frostytute username. So many props given to me, like wow I should get an award. I know I'm very unique, thank you ;p Okay the first time we met you were very rood to me and I guess you still are. You put me on your blacklist when I haven't even asked you to put my name yet.. like okay should I add you on my Death Note list too I guess? xD You watch AOT so you're pretty much safe.. for now. Since you like some of my faves I think you're slightly intuitive, very evil and just persistent! But that's what makes you unique/"special" You're addicted to Dance Moms.. I don't know how to react to that sorry. Keep yolo-ing <┐
└> @invincibility - Ti! Let me just start saying to you that you're very cute! I just think you're very hilarious but somewhat reserved. You seem to get along with everyone else and you avoid getting involved in dramas. I don't know anyone who hates you ;p //hatesOnYou You're just very loving, random and open minded, you're not scared to make the first move and express your thoughts. You love mac n cheese as much as I do and I think we need to catch up more since I like random peeps! I should really try that hourglass using my Nutella jars <┐
└> @Jothamski_21 - Yo, okay this guy is my cousin in real and he's very annoying! I kid, he's pretty awesome and he taught me lots of things to know on how to make women fall in love with me (doesn't work but okay). You didn't really like me at first (why do people have such bad first impressions of me? xD) but that changed and you were there to support me throughout everything. When I got in that car accident, you were there to take care of every situation I wasn't able to handle and I thank you for that! <3 You're a very loyal, caring, always reliable and philosophical. Please keep ateh Michelle safe as she's the one for you. You guys are one of the oldest couple I know from oW and in real. So advance happy 4th year anniversary! Keep safe and take care of my fam for me while I'm gone :') <┐

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If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Emilyy ❤️
I'd teach music for sure. I've been playing the guitar and uke for years now and I'm very comfortable with reading notes and such! ^^
Oh and maybe teach people some other language? As I'm currently teaching Ruby some Filipino words and I have to say, she's a pretty quick learner and I'm proud to be her teacher 8)

Redoing Juliet's honest opinion cus I love her that much

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
┌> @JulibeanOurworld - Yo, I'm sorry I had to rush your honest opi. Anyway, I stopped working for a sec and decided to redo yours since you're pretty special to me. Dear Jujubear, we may be 123,456 miles away from each other when I leave, but our friendship remains real and true ;) Okay flashback time! Waaayyy waayyy wayy back before meeting you on live, I thought you were a snob and annoyed with me x'D You were very friendly to me and you still are though, you're really BAEtiful and I knew I just had to make the move. I found something special within you and I want to keep that to myself ;) I love your flaws, but having flaws doesn't make you any less beautiful. I think most of your friends know that you are bae and we all know that you're very compassionate. You always do the right thing even if it means for you to sacrifice something that you really love. Most of the time you're just extremely cheerful and you always help me with my problems <.< You're extremely generous and touching -- you always make people (including me) happy and seeing that makes me happy too. Dood, you're very talented too! The time you sent me the audio of you playing the piano is truly amazeballs! I can't compete with you 'cus every turn I make you're there being perfect LOL. It's like a bar graph; I'm like waaay at the bottom and you're waayy up top. I really don't have anything bad to say against you (except maybe those dirty jokes we told each other about ahahah). You're just perf, if I look up the definition of perfection in my dictionary I'd see a picture of you and your "I'm so Asian smile" hahah. Oh and I'm sorry if I was ever a jerk to you xP Just don't forget about me when I'm gone and we won't have any problems >:) I'll miss my Jujubear + squad ^^

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--Parte Tressss--

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
@Heartbeta -- Youu Antonayyy!! You're one of my guy babes. You're a very sweet and adorbs dood. You wanted to give me your starry, but I insisted 'cus I don't really go after items so I respect you for wanting to do that xD We had few small talks before and I think it just made me like you more as a senpai. You never get in between dramas so ye another respect points for that. We need to talk moar 'cus I don't see often ◣
@makawakaa - I am so sorry I mixed your HO's with TropicalStarrrr haha she's probably wondering wtf is this dood saying. Though yea that first part about KP was for you ahahah.. I see both of you always together so it's confusing I apologize! xDD Though I love reading your answers and seeing that picture of Josh with that big a-- cheese just made my day. Honestly would like to get to know you since you seem pretty funny and easygoing 10/10 would like to be friends with you moar with your twinsies ◣
@TroyeMars - Eww you? I kid Troye you da real mvp. Nickayy Minajjayy is your queen. Bruno Marzz is your king (cus Troye MARS get it? No? I suck.) You're adorbs too, helpful, amazeballs, halpful, puni and just Bacon. I like talking to you on kik around midnight 'cus for some reason we never sleep. You don't seem like the person who would be upset about the smallest things and you're very mature for your age. You don't see that everyday since this generation is very messed up. ◣
Yo, okay a lot of people are wanting requests now xD, but I gotta go finish my shift. Will continue this later and sorry for the rushed honest opinions, forgive me senpais

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--Parte Dossss--

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
@TropicalStar - I used to be like you! O:< All up on Katherine Elizabeth Perry Hudson.. oh god I still remember her real full name hahaha *facepalm*. Well she was pretty hot.. still is I guess haha. I started fanboying when her Teenage Dream album came out. Then yea puberty hit.. I'm kidding xD You're pretty funny and cool since you sent me that q about the wiener gif last night, like are you going to call me that now too?! xDD Though.. please don't.. hahaha keep it coo gurl ;) ◄
@DarkraiBread - YOUUUU!! JESS!! I haven't talk to in a while. I ship you and Drew!! #DressForever yo ;) You're so bootiful dood like just how? You have a voice of a midnight DJ that I'd worship -w- Not going to make this long since you're not back yet bluhhh *kills you with curiosity* ◄
@ooie_chan -- AHHH.. how do I even start with you hoodlum.. You is very adorbs, cute, and bootiful 10/10 would hook up if Tim and Princeton wasn't there LOL I kid. But aye you're pretty amazing and you're doing a fantastic job as a mod, keep it up. I still remember when you found me on the BW and I couldn't type 'cus my hands were full of Nutella.. shame right? I have only great opinions about you and we talk every single day too. Btw, "I only became your friend 'cus you're a mod" LOOL okayy baii Zoey! Have fun on your mini vacay again <3 ◄
@DazzleTanii - beeDazzllee yooo.. You're seriously cute 'cus remember that one time *elbow nudge* but okay you're a bright person and determined to help anyone. You were there for me when things got rough and I thank you so much for that! You're very friendly and I gotta say.. I love the siggy gurl. I'm pretty sure you make most forumers smile not just me ;) ◄
@BlissfulBekah - Yoo Bekahh. You're a pretty straight forward person and I'm scared to even approach you aha. You're very helpful and such an old school forumer (in which I find cute for some reason) You know what else is kawaii? You and your boii ;) I have seriously nothing else to say since we don't talk much but thanks for hooking me up with Nocilla ◄
@slayingly - Yoo, what up girl. I see you a lot these days and I only see you around the marketplace topics (sorry I hate trading so I wouldn't know xD). All I know about you is you love Beyonce? And you want her to be president? xD Other than that you were at Zoe's party yesterday and you're pretty funny. It would be coo if we get a chance to talk. Keep smilin' yo ◄
@JulibeanOurworld - Hi sorry, do I know you? LOL I kid. Yo you already know what I think 'bout chu, but ye you're helpful, amazing, loving, caring, and such. Who dat boy you were with last month? He's an annoying imbecile. I have no bad opinions about you only good ones (and I have screenshots so I have evidence too). It was nice meetin' you guurlll ;) Hope to see you soon ◄

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One month late honest opinions yo haha

єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]
So I'm currently on my break from work and I don't even know what to do and just realized how late this is. Doing short ones 'cus my boss will yell at me again if I don't get back to work asap aha. My apologies! O:<
--Numero Unooo--
@sunehraa - Ughh I'm missing you so much from your vacay come home already xD. Okay well I already gave you my honest opinion before + I talk to you every single day and you wanted me to do yours first.. I'll say it again then.. Dear Lovely Ruby, please open your EYB once again so I can snatch everyone's badges and make them be pissed at me before I go. I hope when I leave nobody gets my title "Badge Master/Hoarder." You're amazing, unique, stylish, charming, creative, and you're always there for me! I could go on and on, but let's just combine every positive personality adjectives from the dictionary and throw them at you. You're very lovable you Lemon! O:< ◢
@GlistenOW - Don't know if you'd ever see this since you deactivated your account >:( You're my bacon nutella buddy and I've always thought of you as a sweetheart before meeting you. You're very helpful around the forums with price checks and you're such a nerd trader LOL -w- You're very bootiful and gorgeous! Wish I could tell more about you, but we don't talk that much anymore ): ◢
@AnnaLyneth - We don't talk much, but everyone adores you and you're very friendly! You really fit in well as a forum mod. You're so smart, helpful, and prettiful I can't even talk to you >///<, you're way too pretty for me hahah. Your answers are very precise and I love reading them! Oh and I don't see you around the dramas so that's a good thing. You help a lot of people with giveaways and translating and all that. I don't even know how you can handle it all at the same time. I can't say much about you since we're not that close, but all my honest opinions about you is just a big book full of good deeds. I just know you're very very very helpful on the forums and keep doing what you do.. which is making peeps happy -w- ◢
@tackyasf - Heyyyy guuuurrlll how youuuu zooiiiin hahaha. Honestly haven't seen you around much anymore. Makes me wonder if you're even still active (forums and such)? Though you're pretty funny, cool ,very sweet, lovely, chill, and kawaii af. We don't talk much as well and I'd like to become more close to you so I can say more about chu -3- sorry if it's short *gives hug while covered with nutella* ◢
@RDLucy - YOU HAVE SUCH PRETTY PENMANSHIP smhhh it's like a combination of cursive and the "I'm too lazy to do cursive so forget it" ahaha I love it gurl since I write like that as well. Oh and we don't talk much either I'm too scuureedd hahaha. Though you have such gorgeous eyes and I love your glasses 8). I don't see you much around the forums anymore. I think your answers are pretty cheeky, you have such wonderful sense of humor and would like to know more about you <3 ^.^ ◢

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Have you ever heard of Nocilla? I didn't until I went to Spain. It's like Nutella but it has a much better/creamier consistency and it doesn't separate either from what I could tell. I like Nutella, but I LOVED Nocilla. I wanted to buy some and bring it home but I couldn't find it anywhere. v.v

Queen B
I have never heard Nocilla before, but I googled it and look what I found: http://cdn5.yorokobu.es/wp-content/uploads/nocilla.jpg || It does look like it's only available in Spain, not Murica for sure. I have never seen it here but I would love to try it, it looks bomb


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