
Emma Pruitt

Ask @EmmaPruitt143

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Okay, I would like to clarify that THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON BETWEEN ME AND RAY. We are friends and that's it. This whole thing got completely blown out of proportion. I don't not have feelings for him and he does not have feelings for me. I'm tired of seeing my name all over ask when I literally did nothing wrong. I don't steal peoples guys like everyone says I do either, it's funny bc you all say that yet I've only dated three guys this entire year and none of my friends talked to any of them so don't say I'm a bad friend when I've never purposely did that to someone. All of you people are extremely immature and ignorant if you think that I would actually date ray. I wouldn't, I don't like him. But seriously all of y'all need to stop talking shit when I didn't do anything. I'm fucking tired of this. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to be friends with someone.xD like that's the stupidest thing ever. Y'all got me bent. Bye.xD

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Your really pathetic. You fall for a new guy every week and it's honestly old. We don't even talk, yet I hear your name most out of everyone. Just because your pretty doesn't mean you flaunt it to every guy. Your not loyal at all and everyone knows that.

I've actually spent about the last month on the same guy, and he screwed me over. You don't know me so you have no right to say that I'm not faithful, because I am. I literally didn't talk to anyone else. So fuck off. And I don't "fall" for a different guy every other week. There's only one guy that I've actually fallen for and that's Bryce but he just doesn't want the same things I do. But like I said, you don't know me. Just because I text someone doesn't mean me and him are talking so don't get it twisted. Byeee.✋
Liked by: Taylor


Language: English