
Emma Pruitt

Ask @EmmaPruitt143

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Bryce is only gonna hurt you. In the end you'll realized that he doesn't care about you and never did. You're so oblivious to his games.

Think what you want but if I get hurt so what? My mistake. And Bryce does care and always has. I love Bryce and no matter what any of you say, my feelings for him will never change.
Liked by: Taylor

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And if your not dating Brice would you give me a chance???

How the fuck am I supposed to answer that if I don't even know who you are? And most likely not because I'm perfectly content with what Bryce* and I have.

You're just whiny and desperate lmao. Thirsty as fuck and you can't keep a boyfriend

Why are you so worried about what I do? & Why don't you come off of anon?

But all those statuses you put on Facebook. They're always so sad and desperate. Just give up already, patheticcccccc

If don't like it, then why don't you unfriend me? And it's pathetic that you're so worried about me and Bryce.

You are so desperate for a relationship

If I was desperate, I would put out, and I'm a virgin, therefore I don't put out, and therefore I am not desperate. Also, if I was desperate I would date anybody who likes me and I don't do that. There is a specific person I'm waiting for and if you have a problem with that I could care less. And if you're gonna call me desperate at least come off of anon. Thanks a lot, and have a blessed day.

Can I text you from my iPad my phone is dead??? I think your really cute and I would love to get the chance to talk to you more...



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