
Emma Pruitt

Ask @EmmaPruitt143

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Alright alright but I have one more. If that ass was a wrestler... It'd be the big show hahaha alright I'm done hahaha

Who are you .-.

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I'm not mad haha just hurts that you think I don't have that lack originality so much that I'd have to look these jokes up

Those jokes are scaring me.

I didn't say dick shit and coming on you btw or the burying in your ass... Strictly making clean ass jokes over here

Ew. Stop. Srsly.

Back to matter at hand, that ass is so perfectly round that Mother Earth has to stand and say "damn..."

Omg. Y u do dis 2 meh?

Whoever's doing those ass pick up lines is creepy as f Besides, he's probably looking them up on google. And he's doing it wrong too, you're supposed to say. "Nice ass my fair lady" And give it a smack.

Omg. I can't.xD

just wanted to tell you that you dont need people to tell you that you're beautiful. you should be able to look in the mirror & see that. if you cant, then get a better mirror stare a little longer. because you are the very image of self righteous perfection. being told is nice, knowing is power.

Omg thank you so much.

dont need some fake friends hurting you. youre a wonderful person & shine bright. be true to yourself & be cautious of what youre becoming. much love beautiful.(: think about it, okay.

This really means a lot, so to whoever you are, thank you.

Beautiful and most of all cruel & detsructive. becareful not to mask who you really are. watch your back becuase everyone is fake & choose friends who have always been there for you instead of ones that can get you the most. strive in life for intelligence & confidence. you dont need a man & you don


no one has a right to say all of the horrible things that they are. i dont want you to think that something is wrong with you. however i want you to realize, this isnt old emma. & change isnt always bad, but much like the human race, we evolved & changed so much we became powerful, confident,



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