

Ask @EpicCupcakez

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What would you change about Joe if you could change something?

Nothing. Because that means Joe wouldn't be Joe anymore and that's the guy I really do love and care about. :)

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All time favorite video game?

Competitively? Melee
Casually? Toss up between a lot of Legend of Zelda games, Fire Emblem Awakening and many more.

I would think that you and seagull would get engaged before zero and his girl. when is that happening?

Not for a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time
(Maybe 2 more years since I have 2 years of school left)

this might be a weird question, but how do you style your hair? like what products do you use? It's so pretty!

I just use shampoo and conditioner from Herbal Essences! Thank you :)

What do you think about esam's gf doing porn? Would you ever do it?

Lauren is a beautiful girl and also is very smart. I have full faith that she knows what she is doing and all of the things that come with it. If she wants to do it then hey! go ahead! do it! it doesn't really matter what you or I think about it! Her opinion of herself triumphs ours. But if she is happy doing it, then I'm happy for her :)
I would never do porn. Why? I personally think I'm ugly af and I'm super self conscious with my body anyway even around my own boyfriend! I don't even like taking photos while I'm in a swimsuit. It's just not for me!

I saw on twitter a few days ago that you said you didn't like it when people you have never met call you Emily instead of Lyric. If we met briefly at a tournament once would you prefer Lyric?

If it's a brief meeting, I would prefer Lyric.. If it's longer, Em!

Has the recent esport/zero fame impacted your relationship?

Really good question!
In short, yes.
In a longer response,
Joe was already getting more popular when we first started dating. Ever since CEO I think I've had to learn how to know my place among his fan, priorities etc.
After Joe beat ZeRo though, oh man. I couldn't get Joe alone. I just wanted to be with him but SO many people wanted pictures, friendlies, etc. Ever since that moment, sometimes I feel like I'm being replaced with Smash and I always feel okay telling Joe that. He's stayed home from Xanadu a couple times just to make sure I'm not lonely/upset.
Joe is still the same bird I fell in love with a year ago. I'm super happy to see he's excelled in Smash because he really does put a lot of time into it.
I'll always be proud to be his girlfriend <3

what's it like to be better than Joe's Sheik at Smash 4?

Felt good to body him.
He was def a little salty after that :P

are you and seagull's kids going to play smash or anything competitive?

Hopefully! I just hope they like video games :)

Where do you think you'd rank yourself among the female smashers?

Not at the bottom, but not at the top. I think if I were to give myself a grade, it would be a B!

y the intention of losing weight? I think you look beautiful as is.

Haha thank you! I still have a lot of work to do though!

Will you be my fake girlfriend for smash the record i need a teammate.

Sorry dude! Joe wouldn't appreciate it! I gotta respect the real bae.
Plus I probably won't go to it due to money.

I find that when I play smash, I have a hard time adapting. Any advice for learning how to properly adapt and mix things up in gameplay?

When I keep getting hit by the same thing over and over, I say to myself, "why am I getting hit?" and proceed to read from there!

Who are your mains in all smash games you play

64 - Pikachu
Melee - Sheik
Brawl - (No one right now, might be marth or snake or something)
PM - Zelda!
Smash 4- Link and Zero Suit


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