

What others replied to:

please fat shame me i need motivation to lose my belly fat nothing else works

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Why you ask for that
Yes being fat, skinny isn't healthy
I'm skinny, but you don't need this kind of self loathing
Motivation alone isn't enough, you need a practical plan that suits you, community (try to search on Reddit)
fitness and sport is a life style
try to integrate it in your life, so you do it for losing weight and your joy and health for the long term
Good luck champ
too many people do not look in a mirror. They are unhappy with their bodies and they do not do anything to change that. We all have important daily occupations. Okay. But we must learn to manage our priorities in life and put our physical condition and our body back as our number one priority
Ditch those oily and sugary incarnations ofSatan.
Eat loads of fresh green veggies and delicious fruits.
Run like your life depends on it.
Workout till your clothes are soaked in sweat.
Let the fire in your heartburnthose calories.
As you getaddictedto exercise, you will feelalive.
Let the world party while you run miles at a stretch and lifthundredsof pounds.
Letpainbe your only companion.
Let the world watch as you growstronger.
Let those that mocked you earlier look up to you inawe.
The day shall come when you will see the sculpted body that you alwaysadoredin the mirror.
Nothing is impossible if you work hard enough.

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