

Ask @FaroodFarood

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What is youre favorite restaurant in uni ?

Right now its the sushi place (that sells some really nice fa6ayer) downstairs in activities 😂✨
Liked by: SUAD✨

تكملة.. الحل الذي تفضلتي به غير ممكن مع كل احترامي لإنسانيته، الرجاء الالتزام بمنطقية السؤال (الغير منطقي) ..شكرا على اقتراح الكتاب لكن السؤال مرتبط بعلم الفلسفة وليس علم النفس، ويحاول ان يناقش مسألة مفاضلة الحياة من ناحية أخلاقية.

ahh why is philosophy such a paaaaiiinn
From a quantity pov, Killing one person is less trouble than killing 5, like # of funerals and ppl being sad and such lol
as for not changing the مسار its like @Manoyaal3li said, it was their fate to begin with, what if i wasnt there? they would've been the ones to die.. so its fair to let them die instead of changing it 😂💧

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تكملة شرح للسؤال.. الرجاء الأخذ بعين الاعتبار انه لا يوجد اية حلول فيزيائية خارج الخيارين السابقين (ابقاء القطار على مساره/تغيير المسار) حيث ان السؤال يتصف ببعد فلسفي ولا يبحث عن حلول خارج الصندوق، الرجاء الإجابة بعناية وتفسير الجواب بشكل منطقي.

Is this a psychology test? If ur so interested in psychology just read about MBTI 16 personalities.. I personally recommend it 😉

قطار مسرع في السكة وأمامه اتجاهين، إذا استمر في مساره الطبيعي يوجد 5 اشخاص مقيدين على السكة، واذا انحرف عن مساره الى المسار الثاني يوجد شخص واحد فقط مقيد في السكة. انت الشخص الذي يقف عند صمام الحركة، هل تغير مسار القطار أم تدعه يكمل في مساره؟ ولماذا؟

أغير المسار
then run to the person and untie him then we both run 😂 and untie the others and the day is saved
(thanks to)
Liked by: SUAD✨

احب الفاكت انج chill في المناقشات وتعطين رايج وتاخذين راي غيرج بعدوء وسلاسة. اسلوبج يبعث الطمأنينة فيني. وشاركي في ال debating club. بتكونين من افضل الاعضاء انا متأكدة. حفظج الله فريدة 💖

Awwww thank you 🌸

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?

Abdulrahman ✨
I usually forget the crazy things I do.. Actually my memory of everything I do is really bad, but I drive crazily on some days I guess.. If that counts.. Yes I would do it again why not 💁🚶
Liked by: Abdulrahman ✨

Haven't seen ya in a while, makes me super sad that you became immature and childish cuz of social media D:

Yo let's see u soon then 😉
I've always been a child at heart, too bad for you 🌚🍃
And this is a real life.. no, a social media example of the pot calling the kettle black, don't you think its immature to send this type of thing as an anon? It will be a lot more sincere if you sent that to me on whatsapp 😗
Thanks for caring enough about me to send this 🍃 I am actually trying to use social media less *takes out essays about social media from school (i didnt die writing those for fun yeah)*.. but I still dont see your point in saying that social media made me immature 😓 it doesnt make sense 🚶✨
Liked by: Syrra Rand sora

Name the most terrifying moment of your life so far. Have you recovered from it?

Abdulrahman ✨
Latest one was the car accident, I saw death lol 😂💔 and it took me like a whole week to recover mentally, and a month physically 🌚🚶
I have completely recovered الحمدلله 💪😌
Liked by: Abdulrahman ✨


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