
Kh Faryal

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What is the difference between a wife and a girlfriend?

sani121’s Profile PhotoSunny
A girl friend is for fun and good times. If I have an issue, I will go be by myself or see someone else, especially if the conflict is with her....
A wife is who you will get closer to when you have issues and the working out of the conflict makes you even closer. ... <3
This is hard to explain to people who are afraid of commitment. These guys also tend to pick someone to play with and not someone to get down with. So the girl by her own limitations may not be able to go there when it is time. To communicate when angry or scared and keep the dignity and respect of your partner is not a tennis game where you are trying to get the other to miss so you can win.... Ky?

Hey, U r Awesome, So Pretty as well, Your Sense of Humor is Great, Your answers are Amazing, sometimes funny too..! I Adore u <3 Suchi wala, zydah wala aur sub sa alag wala :D :D , i wish i could have a cup of Milk with u ^_^ Actually Tea, coffee nahe peta na isley ^_^ Stay blessed always..

Hahahahahahaha xD
Thank you :))
And ok I trust you sachi wala :p
And what if I say , I don't like tea ? :o ?
And untick maybe ?

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

mustikhalil’s Profile PhotoThe Mustehsan Khalil
Well I would like to visit the time i was born. I would really love to see the Happiness, the expectations, the dreams that my parents had ... How each phase from the first word spoken by me , the first step taken by me bought happiness on my parents face...How they used to wait for me to repeat a particular act.... How I was pampered.. etcYes, we all have been through that phase but then we were too young to understand and value it :))
And Yea, waiting for the moment when I become a fashion designer I.A xD


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