
Agent Garlic

Ask @Festersoze

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What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?

The first temperature controlled city, which will be established in U.A.E.
Liked by: Sarah.

hello umair :(♡ text me on whatsapp I can't open till I get a notification, and no one is talking to me so yea xD I wanna talk to you. #your buddy.❤✨

Okay Yasmoo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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nevermind. take care of yourself Umair, hope you figure out who this is :))

I swear I am not in a condition to guess, so just tell me or I'll regret not knowing who it is
Liked by: Sarah.

damn, that sarcasm though :) ugh forget it. my mistake for sending it to you.

I swear I wasn't being sarcastic :(
Liked by: Sarah.

exactly, Miley Cyrus :) it's the fact that I said it to you that counts. not where I got it from

Thanks alot
I haven't felt even this happy in a while
Love you soo much anon ❤❤❤❤
Liked by: Sarah.

wut if it was realli sarah dis time?

It wasn't. Because it was me itself who asked it :)
Gotcha and I exactly know who this is.
Perhaps if you could speak normally as you could. Fake typing doesn't impresses me :).
Liked by: Sarah.

If you had an extra hour of free time every day, what would you do with it?

Talk to someone I always want to :$
Liked by: Sarah.

Do you know any shops on Instagram in bahrain? If you do can you mention their usernames as an answer to this question please? :(❤️

Sorry I don't shop :( I am a poor lad.
Liked by: Sarah.

U used that word and by reading ur answer.... >.<

You interfere in people's relationships, stalk me, you have already ruined your fast.
Liked by: Sarah.


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