
Agent Garlic

Ask @Festersoze

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If a young child comes up to you and asks 'what is life?' what would you say?

I would tell him listen kiddo, life is a gift, a compassion, a drift, a gift that can change everything from little to big, it's not about impressing the world, it's about how you use that gift (life), use it for good, don't fall out somewhere between bad, though there will be ups and downs in your life, try to keep up with everything, I wasted half if mine trying to get something I could never get, but I won't ever give up, giving up shouldn't be there in someone's life, just keep hope and stay with in us till the end.

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Dear Ted, you have a cute faaacccee. If we were in a room together I would put on a movie. Me and you should hang out omgg. If you hugged me I'd hug you back. If you kissed me I'd kiss you back :$<3 you are perfect to me. I'd get your name tattood on my arm & CHECK YOUR BBM.

Saroo7a’s Profile PhotoSarah.
Awwww Tedii :* :* :* <3 <3 <3 :$
Sorry I am really sick, won't be on a lot, you also take care please :(
I am worried about you D;
Liked by: me ow

Suree!! But trust me, u r amazing. <3

Nah I am not, I suck, I am a playboy or player Blabla, I hurt people, I put people in pain in trouble, so yeah I deserve death :')
Liked by: me ow

Wow!! They are pretty much, much and much meaner than any1 in this world! u have to mive kn with life and listen, nevwr centre ur life on any1 ( whether ur parents, friends, ur love?)

Damn you have a broken keyboard.
Liked by: me ow

Look, even I have haters infact, every single person in dis world has soo, why do u even give a shit to them???

Because those haters used to love me and I lived only for their love and those awesome moments now those people got bored of me and decided to leave me so life is gone, got to die.
Liked by: me ow


Language: English