
Free Northerner

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what do you think of https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/strictly-casual/201402/is-casual-sex-bad-your-mental-health ?

Makes sense for what it is actually studying, the short-term effects of hook-ups. Although, causality probably flows the other way.
It's examining the wrong issue. The issue isn't that a single hook-up will give you psychological problems in the short-term, but that after some indeterminate point promiscuous activity will have permanent negative psychological impacts and will in the long-term will damage the ability to have healthy, lasting relationships.

Master Northerner, please tell me, what must I do to achieve dark enlightenment?

Endarkenment is a process not a destination.
The first step is to realize reality is real and can not be mocked indefinitely.
The second is to realize man has a nature that does not change and which can not be denied indefinitely.
The third is to realize that which can not go on forever won't.

Is the problem with SJWs the ideology so much, as it's just shit tier people being shit tier people? The fact that the ideology is incoherent is accidental, and just makes them worse than they'd be if they were advocating a coherent, healthy worldview?

It's both. Unhealthy or evil people make unhealthy ideology. Unhealthy ideology attracts unhealthy or evil people and makes them more unhealthy. Normal
people caught in unhealthy ideology become more unhealthy.

Freedom of speech in America. Good thing? Bad thing? Does it exist.

I generally support free speech in abstract but its increasingly only free if you speak egalitarian orthodoxy..
Liked by: Mark NO NAME

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

Empire Day should return and replace Canada Day.
Joseph McCarthy Day should be instituted in the US.
Liked by: Mark Ian

What kind of music is appropriate for Christians to listen to? How about in church? Are lyrics all that matter?

All things are permissible, not all things are beneficial. Any genre of music is fine, but avoid music that leads you to sin. Music in church is specifically for the musical worship of God and should necessarily be Christian. It should also be conducive to worship.
Liked by: NO NAME

Can we cuddle and play Sonic 3 in your Idaho cabin?

Mario games were always better than Sonic and have aged even better as well.
Liked by: Melinda

What's your opinion on the modernization of Christianity? Changes from everything from music, modern music now includes christian rock/pop, to some denominations starting to accept "progressive" lifestyles.

Absolutely opposed.


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