
Gabrielle Elenbaas

Ask @GabrielleElenbaas

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What is the Universe made of?

Millions of things. I dont know all of these things but I don't mind learning 🌹

What is your goal for the next 24 hours?

Idk get up, hang with family, relax, might try to work out again. I need to get back in shape lol. I'll get there.

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Do you trust people easily?

I try to but it can be hard sometimes. I wanna be able to give people a fair chance. Of course sometimes people do things that make it hard to trust them or they aren't authentic. That's why it's important to try to surround yourself with people who are positive and do seem authentic. 🌹

Which worries you more – doing things right or doing the right things?

Idk because both can be intense. But i think that nobody's perfect and people should always do what's right if possible 🌻

What do you value the most in your life?

God, love, family, friends, music, and of course children 🌻

Why do people give up so easily on relationships nowadays? Are we becoming more and more selfish?

I have no idea. I understand that sometimes stuff happens but I think if you truly want to be in a relationship with somebody you would make an effort to keep them around. I dont think it's fair to lead someone on for a few months (or whatever amount of time) and then cut them off. Idk I think whoever's meant to be in our lives will find us eventually 🌹

Where is the soul located within the man?

Some you have to look deep down to find it and try to understand it. Others it shines through immediately and brightly 🌹

a quote that you associate with yourself?

I've got alot that I associate with myself lol. There was one on my instagram like "If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care." 🌹

What is your fave positive movie?

Hmm idk I like Romcoms alot. I cant think of a specific one lol 💕

Share something you're grateful for today.

When I was a baby I was very very sick. My mom developed HELLPS syndrome so I was a HELLPS baby. I ended up having a stroke, sepsis, pneumonia, ressucitated back to life, seizures (a few months after everything else). I've mentioned this on here a few times before. (Sorry if I'm just repeating). There were only two ventilators available in the hospital that I was staying in as a baby. One ventilator was in use and luckily the only other one in the hospital was available. I'm so grateful that it was available or i wouldnt be here today. And my mama stayed by my side through everything. I'm so blessed to have her. I got to walk the stage tonight and graduate from college. It was such an amazing opportunity after my parents being told I'd never walk or talk as a baby. 🌹

Play any sports? If so what kind?

No....i used to do gymnastics when i was younger but i think I'm more artsy than sporty 🌹

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

I try to be there for them, talk to them, get their mind off of things, sit with them in silence. I try to help in any way that I can. Sometimes I might not know how to but I still try 🌹

What do you think about recycling?

I think it's pretty cool that people do this. Small things to help the planet 🌻

Have you ever loved someone you have not met?

Liked not loved.....it's infatuation if you've never met them. Like I think you can still have a friendship/relationship but it'd be extremely difficult if you never meet them. You just dont know nowadays if people are who they say they are. 🌹

Fav song atm

Currently I like
1. Afterlife- Xylø (Ark Patrol remix)
2. Before The Night- Home
3. 1940- The Submarines (Amp Live Remix)
4. New York Minute- Don Henley
5. To The Wonder- Aqualung ft Kina Grannis
6. Wake Up- EDEN
I have more these are the main ones right now lol

What is the most overplayed song of all time?

Hmm well as someone from Michigan I can confirm that I heard "All Summer Long" constantly. I have family that lives in Michigan and my family tries to visit semi-annually/annually whenever possible and that song is always playing lol.


Language: English