

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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🤙🏼 Do you think it’s sweet to call someone just to hear their voice and tell them you love them?

Yes I think that is a very sweet thing to do and wonderful way to make someone smile and know they’re loved

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Do you believe that people can dream about what's going to happen?

I’ve heard of people having premonitions in multiple types of ways, so I definitely don’t doubt that it is capable for someone to have one through a dream

Are you tall, short or average height?

For a girl, I think I’m normal height but maybe a bit on the short side because I do have to buy my pants in petite size

I want children but can't find the right guy. So what can I do?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
There are technically a couple different things you can do that I know of, such as adoption or artificial insemination. That depends though on if you only want children and are willing to do it alone. You don’t have to give up on finding the right man either and whatever choice you make to have children now or too try and wait, I’m sure the right man for you would be fully accepting and understanding.

That is my yearbook for when I was in highschool before I graduated from high school

Well that’s an interesting & odd looking high school yearbook

Do you like poetry?

More like love 💜 ( I do think music should’ve been inserted into that list though)

Coke or Pespi?

Tobi Taiwo
Don’t really drink soda anymore in like 4 years but when I do have some here and there, coke is always a go to. Pepsi=🤢 (too sweet) lol

What will today bring you?

Today ? …I’m really not sure honestly. Could maybe say that about every day but me personally, I’m feeling as though today is going to bring me something interesting and possibly unexpected but yet expected. Guess we’ll all just have to wait and see huh?

Fav sex position ?

All of them. Any that I haven’t tried yet, I can’t answer, but know I definitely want to and would probably like them too.

😬 What do you think about the saying “what they don’t know won’t hurt them”?

Lies…especially if they feel as though they do know but are still not receiving any answers

No one looks better then me. I am beautiful inside n out. I am God’s marvelous creation. I love myself n my looks. No one can take my confidence from me 🖕😊

That’s beautiful. Stick with your mentality and never let it go. Regardless of what anyone ever says. Because only what you think matters and as you said, you’re one of god’s marvelous creations such as we all are.


Language: English