

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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Would you relocate for love?

Tonsy86’s Profile PhotoAhmed Tonsy
Yes I would. That love has to be very real though between both. Not new love either but love that has grown, developed into deep love, friendship, communication & understanding, similar wants & desires. To lift one another up and not tear down. To be happy for one another in moments of success, whether that success be together or an individual success.

You tell me to let you go, but you’re still keeping tabs on me too. Why couldn’t we have been honest with each other from the get-go? All of pain we went through was so unnecessary. Oh well.

That was never said out of personal desire but because of how much it was making you crazy, mad and heartbroken. When the whole time it’s what you ended up causing me to feel due to be falsely accused every day while telling the truth. You became so accusatory and hateful and I honestly allowed it it seep into me some and found myself becoming the same way. I realized that it’s not worth it because that is not the type of person I am naturally and it breaks my heart that it’s come to this.
I’ve been honest and if there is something specific that I’m not aware of then just call it out already.
You saw why couldn’t “we” have been honest…that right there shows that you’ve been lying and haven’t been honest with me when I’ve been completely honest with you.
It was completely unnecessary and to think that I didn’t even do what you accused me of and to have you try to make me fearful and worried.
-Oh well is right-

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…That means no lol
Unless…you look at it as being perfectly imperfect ❤️

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Language: English