

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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To fall in love again, has become my biggest fear.

Same…especially when you really did think that it was something so special and being connected in such a way. To try and show love and care and hope that what needs to be done to make things work would be desired by both. And if what I’m finding out, seeing and thinking is true…The awful feeling of embarrassment, lump in throat, fighting the tears, throwing up and heartache. Especially when on top of everything, you’ve been made out to be something you’re not and accused of things you’ve never done. All to not be believed when you’ve spoken your truth over and over.
They say “Never say never” but I’ll say now that I will never want to fall again after having no one there to catch you when you thought you did.

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Liked by: Papi Shampoo


I’ve never liked CNN
Criminal News Network 😡

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To the fortunate ones when you finally start to grow up & see things for what they are you're like oh I was an idiot

Would childcare be a passion of yours?

Funny thing is I was always told that I’d make a really good teacher. I babysat a lot growing up lol. I do love children. I’m not sure if it would be a passion though, but ya kinda got me thinking…
Liked by: #SWEET

Are you thinking about someone, giving them time to get their sh*t together before you move forward with them? ❤️

Always, and yes but please because I want you to be ok. There is only so much time, I hope the same desires of moving forward are mutual. ❤️
Liked by: A A Ron

Do you have a problem being questioned?

I have no problem being questioned as I should be able to ask questions too. It’s when you’re questioned about something you’ve already answered and clarified, but yet continued to get asked. It makes it obvious they don’t believe your initial answer but yet you’ve been telling the truth.

would you ever consider using your hair as floss 😀

Lol, no I would never consider it but that already happens naturally anyways sometimes lol

Why are all the unattractive people taken?

You sound pretty judgmental. That’s too bad because I don’t be friends with your kind.
K Byee ✌️

No matter how awful u think I am. Or how bad I was to u. At least I can face u and own up to everything. All u did was try your hardest to hide what U did. Even after the break up. U did everything in your power to insure u never had to face me. 30 year old woman too afraid to own up to her shit.

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What’s the hardest think you had to mentally go through?

I’ve had a couple moments that have been considerably the hardest thing to go through.
Unfortunately I’m going through a moment in life like that right now.


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