

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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I’m a dangerous man with some money in my pocket

So many pretty girls around me and they waking up the rocket 🚀

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Do you like onions on hamburger or sandwich or anything

Onions are delicious and I like them with a lot of different things.

Do u think calling someone ugly to their face, makes the person saying it ugly on the inside?


I miss my ex.. but our last convo was left off in such an insulting way?

I’m sorry and that’s unfortunate but they’re your ex for a reason. Instead of continuing to miss someone that seems to not be coming back, how about you try moving on and whatever it is that will help you do so.

do i have a right to be mad at someone for talking to other people even though we aren’t together but we are constantly around each other and the feelings are mutual? feel free to ask any details

Sounds a bit complicated…so you both have feelings for each other? Yet, the other person is also talking to and/or having feelings for other people as well? That has to be hard to deal with, especially if you both are constantly around each other.
I can understand you being mad but I’m not sure the right to be mad is there, until you actually talk about this with the other person first because they might be completely unaware of your anger about the situation.

I need a long drive alone. Several hours.

I relate. Hope you do so and that it gives you the peace and possible answers needed or thoughts cleared.

Forgiveness is so important don’t you think?

Forgiveness is important.
There’s only so many times though that you forgive one person until it becomes a sign that you’re better off to just not have that person in your life as opposed to continuously being hurt and then being expected to forgive.


Language: English