
Herbert Henry Asquith

What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

Go for a walk in the morning, and in the day either visit my girlfriend or buy good food then read The Economist and a book, & eat the food afterwards.
Not being at work ensures that I relish most weekends!
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Latest answers from Herbert Henry Asquith

Do you often go to your work social events outside of work, or tend to steer clear of them?

SlimMan’s Profile PhotoBilly Walker
I do go to most of them because I feel a kind of obligation, I don’t enjoy them though?

How many continents have you visited so far ?

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
Working in a warehouse called Total HomeEntertainment that did CDs and DVDs (including porn, which I loaded like every other DVD but when I looked at it found weird and offputting).
The only good thing was that I barely had anything else to do but apart from that the job, the wages, the people were the worst I’ve ever known.
In the end I got fired after being falsely accused of theft, but that ended up being good in the long run because I never did anything so shit ever again (the warehouse shut down a year later anyway).

★ What phone do you have? / Quel est votre téléphone? ★

A mobile only. I would have had a landline but they’re almost never used other than by scammers ringing about ppi, the road accident I was in, and that kind of nonsense.

Language: English