

Like every platform, many people from ASKfm have left and moved on with their lives. Do you find ASKfm boring nowadays? If so, do you believe it's because of the lack of original questions, lack of people, or lack of rational in answers?

I believe all platforms have their flaws. Some platforms get too old, and just don't attract as many people as they used too. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, because the community becomes smaller, everyone knows each other on the platform, and even though community is now small, it has fewer of "bad" people on the platform.
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Latest answers from Romadzilagadzila

Ask your best friend/s 5 facts about you and then post their answer(s)

My friend couldn’t answer without making it into a joke.

Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

Beach, I find the sound of water relaxing. But mountains are duper cool too!

What's the craziest thing you've done?

I can’t just randomly pull out a memory from my head. I was pretty crazy growing up. I had a friend who was 4 years older than me and we would do crazy things all the time. For example one time in the winter we went on a frozen pond, and it started cracking and breaking so we just ran.

What is your reaction when someone ignores you?

Its funny. I mean to see people try to pretend youre not there.

Language: English