

what is the difference between a mascara and eyeliner?

Mascara is a type of makeup that you put on your eyelashes for a more "flawless" look. There are mascara's that have natural colours like brown and black, and even in more "extreme" colours like blue, white, yellow etc. Eyeliner can be either a "khol-pencil" or a dipliner, which you use to draw lines on your eyelid. I think that's the easiest explanation I can come up with, hope it helped~

Latest answers from レハズ

Tkr du att det är lugnt att en tjej har killkompisar eller är du emot de?

Inget fel med det

What is the last thing you said to your ex?

"I truly wish you the best and that you find someone you can be happy with. I wish you a happy future."

Jag undrar hur kan man få jobb?????????!

Utbildning, viljan att söka, våga att söka jobb... Och aldrig ge upp I guess

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