
Phoebe Hilbert

Ask @Heyheyheyfm

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Stop hating on Renee when she's not here to defend herself.

I have a right to my own opinion so leave me alone. And I didn't say anything about her unless I said it to her over text. So get your fuckin facts straight before you accuse me of something as stupid as that hunny😊
Liked by: crystal peacock

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Honest opinion on Renee's psychotic rant on Twitter

She's crazy for doing it and stupid for posting it online. If they ever had a chance of being friends again, it's gone.
Liked by: Vikki Mudgett dani

How is your family different from others?

Well I mean my parents I have a restraining order against my brother and I'm removing him from my life. So I'd say that's pretty different.

If u could have one wish, what would it be?

To marry Joey Piper, oh wait that's already happening😂

If you had the option to choose to go anywhere in the world right now, would it be to "somewhere" or to "someone"?

Definitely someone

Best looking guy from each town?

Chichester- Clayton
Epsom- Sherman
Pembroke- Jackson
Allenstown- Idk


Language: English