

Ask @Hikusa

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do u ever realize that onii-san's actually do genuinely admire len but he can't do the same back like most of the time because they are usually so... niisan?

UHHH WELL Len actually does but would be able to say/show it more honestly when he grows up a bit more, the more he matures the more he has come to realize oniisan likes to live his life at the best expressing himself on his own way which comes off as acting like a child most of the time but he just has fun and while enjoying himself he makes people laugh or smile it's one of the charms that makes people like him
Liked by: I'm Hir! Kat

how many valentines did len get this year??????

UHHHH there was chaossu and chaossu and two anons?? and a submission i havent answered O YE AND NYOOMIKU COUNTS I GUESS EVEN IF THERE WAS MURDER INVOLVED
Liked by: I'm Hir!

Why is Tina in the background?

Bc tin is beaut and rly cool she has many wonderful ideas she puts on the work!! and makes many different things out of them she puts a lot of dedication on the things she writes and draws and it isnt even her major area, did you know she has probably transcended because of that because she has reached people and inspired them even if she doesn't know did you know shes also very smart mature and witty and a fantastic person really easy to talk to and have fun with who cheers me up and helps me a lot by just existing and im really grateful shes around, shes also rly easy to tease thats actually why i put her on the bg <:^D ((((she loves candy canes)))))

Cuál es la Rabu Raibu con más posibilidades de sobrevivir a un apocalipsis zombie

A VER POS a Umi de seguro se la agarran primero porque hace una promesa con Cotorra y ya sabes que esas son flag ni la arqueria puede ayudarla y pos Cotorra sale a intentar ayudarla se atasca su cabello en un arbol y ahi quedo
A Eli los zombies se la agarran en la oscuridá rip, alomejor y Maki sobrevive más porque es cutie panther watashi pero Nico le hace niconiconi a los zombies y se las tragan a las dos demonios nico de seguro Rin iba con ellas también la desdicha, nozomi sobrevive un poco más porque puede ver EL FUTURO pero no puede correr tanto porque sus boobs son muy grandes y pos, Juanayo sobrevive mucho porque esta acostumbrada a correr y esconderse pero una vez intenta salir del fuerte por necesidad de arroz y pos
Honkers sobrevive porque ES UNA MAQUINA DE PODER Y NO PUEDE SER DETENIDA se hace amiga de los zombies y se vuelve la reina de los zombies porque inclusive los zombies le tienen miedo luego trae a sus amigas de regreso EN FORMA DE ZOMBIES y se van al Love Zombie!

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What do you think of winry? When i first saw you drawing some winryed pictures I thought your otp's headcanon personality will be exactly like that but it's the exact opposite and i was a little surprised ahah

Winry is one of my favorite female characters I've always liked how she's very strong-willed, strong-headed and incredibly smart on her own area while still having a cute air surrounding her rather than a cool one if that makes sense?? One of my favorite parts about the manga was reading how she developed tidbits about her character, her weak points, her bravery on certain situations, her finding a place to be, her realizing things for herself, her confronting certain people etc etc I also got really excited when they showed her parents on the Ishbal arc chokes
O WELL of course they would be different on personality, same with Edward it isn't exactly the same, specially because sometimes I also base headcanons on the context the loids are living in and how that context affects their thinking then so their ways to be or behave, and well both the ship's surroundings are different
Anyway i guess you say they are very different on a sight also because Winry is a lot more louder and cruder on her own way right?? but there are also some aspects about both ships that aaare kinda similar specially when I compare them on a bigger picture but I'm not here to talk about ships sweats

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how did you get into umineko?

WELL IT WAS 2007 AND COMIKET HAPPENED AND @Joesca told me about it because I was into Higurashi at that time I got into it slightly then left it for some years, read the manga here and there that was being released during that gap then retook it like two years later and have been a bit too much into it since then FUN TIMES WAITING FOR EPS ON COMIKET NEVER FORGET ALL THOSE FAKE SPOILERS


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