@IAmSuperYeen#16 🇵🇭


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How do you love someone?

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What do you mean by this? "How do you lovesome?"
For me, When you love someone you should love him/her unconditionally. All his/her flaws you should accept it.
We have all our differences but then you should know how to compromise with one another.
But Most Important Let God be the center of your relationship. And Always Trust Him.
Accepting their flaws. Showing support. Consistent efforts. Learning to forgive. Compromise. 💕 and para samin usually we don’t let our arguements last for days we end our misunderstandings as soon as possible. We never let pride come between us. Its harder for me. He tolerates my unpredictable mood swings everytime. He always do his best to fix any problem we have. Even if sometimes I’m already the problem. 😇😂🥺

Language: English