
398 K people

50 posts


What’s your primary use of this app? [Examples: venting, socializing, journaling, entertainment, etc.]

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
To outwit the enemy , the one who is out to sow discord, & destroy . . . .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xjD7KbxgGQigotamatch’s Video 174327192442 0xjD7KbxgGQigotamatch’s Video 174327192442 0xjD7KbxgGQ
to find the beach ~ on RUtube . . . .
Whats your primary use of this app Examples venting socializing journaling

A house in mountains or a house nearby a beach ?

BroilerMurghiDesiAnda’s Profile PhotoSaad Farrukh Khan
A house in mountains but an automatic water pump should be there too. Life without water is really hard. We have a small cottage on the top of a small hill but there's no water there, I get really tired when it's my turn to fill a pitcher and carry it all the way up to the top.
The water reserve down the hill isn't clean either.
Even though I enjoy going there, but it's safer and much convenient to get back home before nightfall.

С какой песней вы ассоциируете свой город ? 🤌

royal84456’s Profile Photoroyal
Welcome to my world
Ну... Для начала многие города ассоциируются не только с песнями но и группами. Так к примеру Ливерпуль в Англии ассоциируется с "Жуками" (Beatles). Питер с группировкой (как они сами себя называют) "Ленинград". Штат Массачусетс что в США ассоциируется с человеком-мемом (only 2 но это не предел) John Cena , ну а Калифорния с "Hotel California" от не менее легендарной группы "Eagles" или с песней "California Dreaming" от группы "Beach Boys" (в русской версии в исполнении Ильи Лагутенко "Мумий Тролль").
С чем же ассоциируется мой город 🤔. Знаешь, я не Шерлок Холмс, но эту загадку разгадаю только по прошествии веков.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 20/07/24
Time: 08:24

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Do you have to get fish and chips at beach?

Chips & cloudy lemonade 😊. When younger, getting fresh doughnuts or candyfloss was always a must too. I've always been fond of seaside towns
Liked by: C ❀ Amy Rose Jo

If you've been to a convention of any kind, what did you think of it? 📚🎮🦸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favourite band has a 4 night convention at Centre Parcs in the Netherlands every two years (extended to 5 nights next year). They completely take it over and every house/apartment is filled with fans, with the band's music playing in the bars and on the TVs, three full gigs with a different setlist each night, loads of support acts in the evenings and afternoons, quizzes, Q&As, autograph sessions etc. The band and their families stay on site too, so you meet them in the bars, in the shops, in the pool, in the restaurants etc. About 3500 people go, and if you're on your own or can't fill an apartment yourself (and want to avoid a single occupancy supplement) then they will match you up with similar people to share (nationality, gender, age, non-smokers etc). I always used to go on my own and made loads of new friends that way, but now I book a large house with a group of friends who I met previously. Everyone is very friendly and excited and approachable and there's a real buzz about the place, but you can still escape to the beach or the pool or the next-door nature reserve (on the free hire bikes) if you need some space. The normal age demographic of the fans is fairly old (50+, it's an 80's prog rock band), but a lot of people take their whole families, so in practice there's actually quite a good age range there and it's a family friendly event.

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Tell us some good news ✨

NineGDxFour’s Profile PhotoQueenOfHearts♡
I got a new LG washer and matching dryer. They are grey. Got a pull out shelf too. Happy with them. Love. Still feeling like I need to hang them to dry 😂😂 gotta get used to them.
My pup Molly is almost 2.
This Mama bird on my porch that laid her eggs and hatched and raised her babies is now teaching her babies to fly and yeah. They are good which is great.
Am getting alot of veggies from my large garden outside. Which is good.
Going out with friends this weekend.
Hope to gmgo back to the beach soon as well.
Things are good here. Hope the same for you.

Szép napot! Ha muszáj volna elköltöznöd Amerikában vagy Oroszországba (az országon belül a települést te választhatnád meg), melyik mellett döntenél? Miért?

Sophrones’s Profile PhotoSophrone
oroszország kultúrája elég közel áll hozzám, plusz szebbek a nők! de ott halálra unnám magam (nem beszélve arról, hogy ezek után?????), szóval egyértelműen amerika, venice beach elég kultikus hely, legalább ott hullámok is vannak, és igen, főleg amiatt mennék oda.

Don't let depression take over you. Relax, go out, go to the beach, get some sun, talk to your friends, family, organize a cookout etc. Don't succum to depression! wishing you luck xx

Yes I shall just stop my brain from lacking the chemicals and having a mental disorder by going outside to "GET SOME SUN".
I have bipolar disorder and clinical depression, no amount of "having fun and relaxing" will stop my brain from literally having a disorder.

If you woke up in a place that was not your home, where do you imagine finding yourself?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I'd imagine waking up on a beach somewhere tropical.
The sound of waves, the smell of the ocean, and the warmth of the sun would be pretty awesome.
It's a nice escape from the usual daily grind.
If you woke up in a place that was not your home where do you imagine finding

You 2 looked happy on the beach in the pic tho.You had a blue bikini on.

Lmao the last time I was at the beach was when I was 20 years old. With my ex of 3 years I’m 30 now I do not look the same at all to assume I do is ridiculous

﹅⠀ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ⠀︰⠀♡﹒❛ ˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ ⠀ᵗ ᶤ ᵐ ᵉ ☀️ ‣ Your TOP 3 summer songs! ♫

REVERIE__ARCANE’s Profile Photo♡﹒lvcif
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛⠀GOOD VIBRATIONS⠀by the beach boys
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛⠀SUMMER WINE ⠀⠀ by⠀⠀nancy ⠀sinatra
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛⠀ROCK THE BOAT⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ by⠀⠀⠀⠀ aaliyah

ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ ˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ ᵗ ᶤ ᵐ ᵉ   Your TOP 3 summer songs

What app would you suggest everybody should get? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Umm. I'd suggest for people to put their phones down and go on a hike, go chill by a lake, have fun at the beach, go on natural trails. Enjoy nature. Have picnics at parks, in forests, it doesn't matter.
I would go if I could. I'm so sick of being at home and having limited mobility at this moment. But soon enough I'll be able to enjoy my walks again. I want to travel, hop in the car and go to another country. Look at the architecture, enjoy different foods. Go to museums.

بدور علي فرصة عمل تكون Work from the beach

Hagar1102’s Profile PhotoHagar ♥
سهل جدا اشتري كام فيلا ع البحر وخلي فيه تنوع سخنه الجونه الساحل الجلاله العلمين الجديدة بلاش شرم عشان غاليه وتأجري بنفسك او تتعاقدي مع شركه عقاريه مقابل نسبه و1000 مبروك بيزنس رائع 👍

How do you like to celebrate your birthdays?

Since my birthday is in the summer, I like to spend it outdoors! Either by going to a theme park, to a festival or just spending time at the beach! I always like to spend my day with family and friends.
I also like to go clubbing for my birthday, but I notice it’s always a bit chaotic, it’s easy to lose your friends in these nights, because of their drunk actions and decisions 😂😅

do you strongly identify with Matthew McConaughey's character in The Beach Bum?

Omg, I just recently watched this movie and I was laughing so hard because the amount of people I grew up around literally sounded like him. Also, that movie just feels like Matthew wanted to have fun and play a stoner in a movie so thats what he did
do you strongly identify with Matthew McConaugheys character in The Beach Bum

Do you only have Onlyfans ? If, not, would you have done it ?

No, I don't just have onlyfans and I wouldn't have just onlyfans. It does not align with my values and ideals to make money at the expense of men who see women as objects and pieces of meat.
I can upload photos, feeling "sexy", showing the same as on the beach, no more, and I upload them because I want to. But there is a big difference between my photos and what you need to do there to really make money. With photos like mine I would kick my ass on onlyfans and I also don't want anyone paying to see me as a piece of meat or an object that is bought or sold as if it were was a supermarket.

Life would be much easier if I was skinny. I could go to the beach and the pool and not feel insecure wearing a swimsuit. Until my waist is 24inches I have no business showing my body.

Not necessarily, people have lost weight and still viewed themselves lowly. No one owes anyone a certain body type not everyone is skinny and as someone who is skinny its not all that

Ты уже послушал(-а) новый альбом Тейлор Свифт "The Tortured Poets Department"? Какие песни тебе больше всего понравились, а какие нет? Есть ли у тебя любимые песни Тейлор из других альбомов или целые альбомы?

🍃 Любимые песни TTPD
1) My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy
2) But Daddy I Love Him
3) I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
4) imgonnagetyouback
5) How Did It End?
6) thanK you alMee
🍃 Любимые альбомы
1) Red
2) 1989
3) Midnights
🍃 Любимые песни из других альбомов
1) Shake It Off (1989)
2) I Knew You Were Trouble (Red)
3) Snow on the Beach (Midnights) feat Лана Дель Рей
4) You Need To Calm Down (Lover)
5) End Game (Reputation) feat Эд Ширан и Future
6) Gorgeous (Reputation)

Why do guys act interested in getting to know me and then suddenly stop responding back and make me question what I’ve done to deserve being ghosted? They ask questions, I answer them yet when I ask them similar questions and act interested, they leave.

I’m not sure, hun. Maybe they’re not looking for a relationship? Maybe you shouldn’t look at every conversation with a guy as a potential love interest. Start looking at them as potential friendships, but don’t allow them to actually be your friend until it’s understood that the desire is mutual. You can’t force conversations, friendships, or relationships. Think of them as waves on the beach. The tides come in and they go back out. You can’t stop the ebb and flow.
Why do guys act interested in getting to know me and then suddenly stop

Say you got to go on an all expenses paid dream vacation, where you could do do/see/experience anything you wanted… Describe it! Where would you go? What kinds of oppurtunities would you take advantage of, that maybe you wouldn’t if you had to pay for it? 🤩✈️

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Actually can‘t say 😀 it was nice enough to be on a beach since years 🏖️ Italy is still a great country to visit.
Say you got to go on an all expenses paid dream vacation where you could do

Maybe pls put on a bikini and take pic?

first off i dont own any bikinis cuz i havnt been to the beach in years because i have a full time job
Second even if i did have one why the fuck would i put it on JUST to take a photo for you? Like are you fucked? Lmao

You don't care about syds body yet you called her a beached whale? Imagine body shaming at your age in 2024 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Do you even understand what a beached whale means? You should Google it.
Beached whale is when a whale gets stuck on the beach and can't get themselves back to the water.
I called her a beached whale cus no matter how much she yaps about changing and being a better person and bla bla and helping, she's ALWAYS going to be stuck on this app. Because she will never be able to get herself off it permanently because she'll always need the drama and attention she gets on here from kasey.
She's always gonna be STUCK with her shitty personality.

What’s the best part of living in Tasmania? I’ve always wanted to go!

It’s so close to nature, you can be in the bush or on a beach within 30 minutes from almost any home in the cities
You get genuine seasons, the folk are mostly friendly and you can afford to live here easily 😊

Oo thanks for the heads up! I said: by covering up you keep your body to yourself and no one else. I don’t think that’s strange. It doesn’t have to be so that only the eyes are visible, it can be a loose fit that covers up most of the body too.

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
I understand all this, but being at the seaside, when everyone, including women, are bathing in swimsuits, and you see a woman in a black suit dressed as if she wanted not only to bathe but also to wash her clothes, it seems a bit strange to me. Don't you think that burkas should not be worn on the beach?

What are some of your favorite activities to do with friends? 🎳🎡🎮

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
We're all foodies so having food trip/cooking sessions with them is definitely a favorite of mine. I also love hanging out at the beach, a little hiking or going for a run. Most of them are extroverts and like to party so it's up there as well, however I only enjoy it when they're around😅

If there’s one place you could visit in the Philippines for free, where would it be and why?

Any place in the Philippines. More precisely, any beach. Cuz what I know is that the Philippines has many beautiful beaches, just like my country. And I luv beach.
Liked by: Гонщик Х Ja jae

Sometimes it's not hope but the lack of money that kills you

Legit.I NEED MONEY! That's all you need to be happy. I'd prefer shedding a tear or two in my Porsche or sipping cocktails on a beach in the Maldives, compared to being poor and sad.😂😂

*She flips him off glaring at him angrily* "The fuck are you doing driving around at night with no headlghts on you ass" *He recognizes the crimson markings on her, this is the same woman from the beach*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
⠀⠀【🦈】 ⠀Yamai blinked a couple of times giving a patient up and down glance at this lady, still having memory of the kind side of her offering help. Now he was here getting lectured... the coincidences of life would never cease to be so unique.
⠀❝Huh, so these are your true colors... being a drama queen?❞⠀if anyone was to calm such an attitude, he was definitely not the one for the task. That passivity that leaned toward arrogance in his voice wasn't helpful either.
⠀❝Should be thankful you're still alive. I was also wondering what someone's doing wandering down a narrow, dark alley.❞

Language: English