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Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not? “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself…” -Victor Frankl

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I'm not so sure about the last part... dedicating to a cause greater than yourself as the only key to gain success / happiness.

Bring back fat shaming real fat people not people who look hot

nadiamuteghost8’s Profile PhotoNadiaali
That consideration would need to undergo a trial that is set fourth by a mysterious group of people who decide what is or isn't politically correct. It also isn't known if and when such a trial takes place.
By the way, I can't read comments on responses because I only use Ask for the web. On twitter / tumblr / threads there's more options.
Liked by: Nadiaali

Would you date a footballer?

I only wouldn't date a female footballer because of my lack of interest in sports. Asking how the games have been would feel forced, and she'd likely pick up on that too.

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I’m having a bad mental health week I’m just gonna hide out on the internet get fat for another week and then snap back into reality

nadiamuteghost8’s Profile PhotoNadiaali
This place is a big, rusty old book where random rejects add their diary entries at the spur of the moment.

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*Space for a picture you want to showcase* 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
You might just mean photos that we took or were involved with but I'll just put this one here anyways.
Space for a picture you want to showcase

What's your favorite memory of AskFM?

HaleyValkert’s Profile PhotoCaptain Cosmos
When I might have influenced Ask into finally letting all answers of a question to be found on a single page. It used to be one answer per page for many years.
I think I came up with a fake screenshot of what it could look like if they made that happen, before it actually happened.

Have you ever noticed Purple Street lights in your town/city? I see them very often .

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
It sounds like if a gay dentist decided to carve gay symbols in the back of his patient's teeth. There's all kinds of unnecessary acts of bullsh*t that goes on in the name of identity politics.
Liked by: MierPlas

Would you believe a guy is straight if he likes wearing makeup and dressing as a female?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
It could be very believable.
"Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as female."
Notice how many transwomen id as lesbians. I'm not sure what the % are but I know that it's high.

I think Trump is badass surviving assassination attempt wbu ?

bobbystar95270’s Profile PhotoHickey
He probably thinks he's at the level of some Stallone or Arnold character but really it would just shake up most people including him.
If that happened to me in the same way it wouldn't ruin my day even.

Do you count calories or do you eat until you are full?

mustch’s Profile Photomustch
Counting calories sounds boring AF just go with gut feelings and have a good variety on your plate.
Liked by: mustch

If you ever had the opportunity, would you live in space? 🌌

I think that aging is accelerated in space, so until that ever gets sorted out, no.

Has anyone else notice that hotels don't put Bibles or phones in the room anymore?

thatsrealsupport’s Profile Photoyeety yeet
If you just noticed this is FL, they have to appeal to mainstream crowds because it's an important state for tourism.
In Alabama or wherever you're from, hotels might get sued if they didn't put bibles there.

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