

Ask @Indiefoxtail

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What is your favorite Miku module?

I really like the 7th Dragon 2020 module. Idk something about how swan princess-y it is is just lovely. It's really hard to choose though all the modules are so cute and cool ;w;
Liked by: Vulpi+

Are you majoring in anything for college? If not (like you haven't got there yet), what would you like to major in?

I'm a media arts major which is basically just computer/digital art! I also would like to go to hair school though to be a stylist though!

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what is your favorite "dere" type

I think Tsun and Kuuderes are tied for my favorite. I think Tsuns are cute in the way they try to hide their affection but end up getting really flustered, and I just have a soft spot for any character that acts emotionless. Something about them is super cute to me. >w>

Would you possibly be gay for miku

I'm 110% gay for Miku. For serious though, if you're asking if I'd be sexually attracted to her I got news for you...I do love her a lot as a character though! Otherwise I wouldn't have a blog with her as the main character!
Liked by: Vulpi+

Senpai how do you draw so amazingly amazing like wow

Well first of all, thank you very much! And second, I just spend a LOT of time drawing. Like I make at the very least 1 drawing a day but it can be much more than that. I also spend a lot of time learning by looking at art tutorials and studying drawings that I really like. Drawing's a skill you gotta dedicate your time to learning just like playing a guitar!

A) Were you always this wonderful and talented a person B) Did it take years of agonizing struggle to achieve your level of near-perfection C) Maybe you won some kind of lottery and became super nice and skilled cuz you picked the right numbers? Pls answer soon cuz if it's B, I gotta get crackin ;)

Oh gosh I feel like I'm not deserving of all this praise, thank you :3 I dunno I just try to be nice to people I guess! I like seeing people happy and my philosophy is that you never really know what someone is going through or has gone through so it helps to just try to be kind regardless even if they seem like a really angry or mean person c: As for talent, I guess all talent comes from putting lots of time, energy and devotion into something you love c: Thank you again, lovely person it was nice to log in and see this message >w<

If you could change only a single detail on your muse(s) official design what would be it?

I think I’d like her to officially have an ahoge. She looks so cute with one and you can put one on her in Project Diva. It just suits her I think.
Liked by: Rusted

Alot of people are saying that Luka's v4 voicebank is pretty bad. What are your thoughts on her v4?

To each their own I suppose, but I personally really like it and I think it's only made me love Luka all the more. I think she sounds stronger, her English isn't perfect but it sounds pretty good and it's really great that she can now do duets now, even with Miku, and not be drowned out. I particularly like her Hard voice bank. I suppose like any Vocaloid, it really depends on who's using her. I've heard some really great covers using her and this song has become one of my favorites:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQbw-8aLbqMIndiefoxtail’s Video 125186912603 TQbw-8aLbqMIndiefoxtail’s Video 125186912603 TQbw-8aLbqM
Liked by: Nathan

Do you have any headcanons for the spanish vocaloids?

Not a whole lot unfortunately. ^^; I tend to develop more headcanons for the Vocaloids as they show up on the blog and play roles. If I ever come up with some I'll re-answer this question >w<

Is it true that OLIVER is a space outlaw

This is truth. Confirmed. Someone that cute has to be wanted for something.

are there any vocaloids tht u hate or dislike

I dunno about hate I don't think I hate any of them but if I had to pick on one I'd say I just really dislike Gachapoid's boxart design. Idk it's just so goofy looking XD Voice-wise I think all of them have the potential to have great songs, but I personally have never really enjoyed Sweet Ann's voice in anything I've heard by her.

Everyone has a negative view of themselves at some point in their life but could you explain yourself in a positive light if you had to? How would you do it?

Let's see, positive things about me:
-I’ve done a really good job of dealing with my anxiety
-I’m not super approachable, but I do try my best to be friendly and welcoming despite being incredibly shy and anxious
-I try my best to give everyone the benefit of a doubt and be understanding
-I try my best to make those around me happy
-I’ve improved a lot with my art and I’m only getting better!
-I put a lot of love and heart into my art
-I love to make people laugh
Liked by: I'm Hir!

Why did you decide to start an ask blog in the first place And why do you decide to continue it

To put it simply ask blogs are a lot of fun! It’s essentially a form of roleplaying as a character except with mostly pictures and that’s right down my alley. I adore interacting with people as the character and they kind of become your own in a way. Not only that though it’s a GREAT way to practice art. I liked Vocaloids for a while and wanted to get better at drawing humans so I made mine to sort of force myself to draw the characters often. And I’d say working on the blog has done wonders for learning how to draw them. As for why I continue it, it’s fun. It gives me something to look forward to doing when I’ve got free time and again it’s really great practice.

Name some of your fav vocaloid producers!

Oh gosh, Livetune is probably my all-time fave, but otherwise Mitchie M, Deco*27, Daniwell, Utata-P, 40mP. Supercell, Lamaze-P, and Hitoshizuku-P. A lot of popular ones but I just love upbeat happy stuff so anyone that has a lot of those is pretty much a hit with me. Although some I like specifically for their darker stories. I am a HUGE Night∞series fan.

So recently, iXima has released the latest illustration for Luka V4. What do you think of her design and the new features? https://www.facebook.com/vocaloidfanpage/photos/a.10151814215479155.1073741826.120030849154/10153183038774155/?type=1&theater

Oh my gosh, I pretty much love everything about V4 Luka. I think her design is super lovely and fitting for her c: Luka's design has always sort of reminded me of a like a Dancer RPG class (Olivia from Fire Emblem Awakening helped with that too) and I think the new design still kind of follows that theme and makes her look very elegant. I've kind of been incorporating her new design into 01 Princess's blog because I love it so much. Also when I heard the demo I had to listen to it multiple times because I got so excited about her growls and her clarity. Oh my goshhhhhhhh.

Have you ever tried to be vegetarian?

Yes actually, always research lots before you do try to become one, because I ended up getting really sick from not getting enough protein :'c
Liked by: PD

Do you have any MEIKO head canons?

Heck yeah I do! Keep in mind this is for my MEIKO, the one I feature on my Miku blog:
Okaaaay so MEIKO.
-She started singing as like a lounge singer and that's what she likes best, but she ended up getting discouraged because she wasn't as popular as she had hoped to be and gave up singing for a while. It wasn't until Kaito was created that she picked it up again. There's a cute story behind it buuuuut I won't get into that here XD
-She's very well-respected by the other Vocaloids, especially Miku and Luka. She often tries to joke around with the other younger Cryptons but they take her so seriously out of respect that the joke is usually lost on them. She's never really understood this phenomenon.
-She's also kind of like an over-protective mom to the rest of the Cryptons, and if any threat comes to them she takes it very seriously. She does her best to make sure each Crypton is staying healthy and happy, often lecturing them when they aren't taking care of themselves.
-She's kind quick to resort to violence, Kaito usually has to hold her back and talk her down when she's upset.
-Speaking of which, she and Kaito balance one another out quite nicely. Since they've spent the longest amount of time with one another they know one another very well and are quick to identify what the other is feeling. They have a very close friendship/pseudo-romance.
- Being the first to perform and sing, she has a lot of knowledge and experience regarding it. Many of the other 'loid's philosophies on singing and performing stem from MEIKO.
Thaaaaat's not all of them but that's a few, I tried to include ones that I don't already have on 01's blog XD

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how many followers do u have omo

Ahh sorry, I like to keep my follower count private! I don't want to have a number that people can compare themselves to. I'd really hate to have someone compare their number to mine and get discouraged because of it because I know the tumblr follower count can be kind of a stresser to ask bloggers sometimes. I have no qualms against those who post their follower count, and each follower is definitely something to celebrate, but that's just my reasoning behind why I don't discuss mine publicly!

How do you draw humans?

Ignoring sassy mod shibe down there, I'm not sure it's something I can properly explain! I've never really been good at describing my art process through words or pictures. I've just been doing a lot of practicing (atleast 3-4 practice drawings per day if not more) and looking at references and learning from tutorials. My own personal style just kind of started to develop over time, and it's still developing since I've only been seriously getting into drawing humans for 6 months! Btw, if anyone's interested in some of the tutorials and refs that I collect, I actively reblog to this blog often and categorize each type of picture/tutorial here: http://indiesinspiration.tumblr.com/

Do you like any of the Spanish vocaloids?

I do! I've actually been listening to a lot of Clara and Maika lately. Both voices are fantastic. I think Maika is definitely my favorite of the bunch though because her design is one of my top favorites among the Vocaloids. That hair is just out of control and great XD

Language: English