

Ask @rustedmod

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What hobby do you wish you could pick up?

i rly wish i could pick up japanese again i miss it a lot ┌┤´д`├┐
maybe once i get my bachelors and then get time/money to actually take a class again w

if you eat fish sticks, do you eat it with ketchup or tartar sauce?

hi i swear im not dead
buT definitely ketchup. tartar sauce rly isnt my thing.

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If your muse confessed their love to YOU (and was completely serious, so laughing it off is not an option) what would you do?

i would probably look at hersh and be like "you wanna go poly or"
Liked by: n3mi

whats your favorite old anime?

neon sega genesis even jellybeans?? hamtaro????? im not super versed in old old anime
i would say cipher but the OVA was

If you were candy, what would you be?

i'd hope to god rockets bcause rockets are the bOMB (aka smarties in the US i think?? idk)

What would animals say to us if they could talk?

my cats would probably be like "tf why arent you feeding us meow"

How would your muse(s) react to a love confession from someone other than their crush?

he'd feel so bad omg like...kaito would reject but like cry for them and just feel horrible and like hang out with them for the day to make sure theyre ok
Liked by: plumfruit n3mi Hersh松

Is there a trait or idea about your muse(s) that you especially like? What is it?

I'm Hir!
OO DANG i like portraying kaito as just like the best mom/big brother type like someone call you a poopoo face??? big bro kaito will punch them for u but not really he'll actually scold them very humanely
you too tired to walk?? he'll pick u up and run u to ur destination no questions

What's the fondest memory your muse(s) hold dear?

iF HE COULD REMEMBER PROPERLY it would probably be of miku miku back in the day
but rn...honestly probably that magnet duet with kayto because holy hell
Liked by: Untramen

Everyone has a negative view of themselves at some point in their life but could you explain yourself in a positive light if you had to? How would you do it?

(looks at hand full of paint) damn wtf how you still truckin after 11+ hours of working on a single chart
how are you not dead
u good at whatever this is
[based on a true story]
Liked by: I'm Hir!

What is the worst thing that you can imagine happening to your muse(s)/ship(s)?

I'm Hir!
oo probably for kaito is being the usual with him - being forgotten or deactivated, etc. but probably if someone started treating him like dirt he'd never really understand why and keep trying to reconcile?? i think him trying to desperately cling onto a dead relationship is the worst thing for him since he just wouldn't get it lmao
but honestly anything with ships can be the worst if it includes some sort of time travel or au's (honestly just look at the Zero Escape series thats basically the summary of it)
Liked by: I'm Hir!

What actually started your interest in your ship(s)? Or what started your ship(s) in the first place?

uhHH my interest in ships in general probably started around high school when i was like "?? people kiss?? rad" aka i met my friends who told me about who they think should get together in x series and everything finally made sense as to why everyone was saying light/l were super homo back in like jr high (i was the most sheltered kid i stg) i think the first ship i ever really recognized was....what, Lelouch/Shirly or whatever her name was i think?????? code geass was really my weeb awakening but its so good
bUT LIKE...idk a lot of the ships i have start due to in-show interactions and fanart......
yeah definitely fanart.
in terms of voca ships tho, kaimei was kind of the default one i found and then lazii dragged me into kaimiku, hersh got me interested in kailuka...
I DUNNO a lot of the people i follow on the ask dash got me into every single ship in voca. i think the only ships im like ??? is kailen and teruyuki.... but i dont care if people ship it like w/e u do that (altho the teruyuki one i'll be hcore judging your tastes tbh)
but all in all, a lot of people dragged me into small ship hell and its great.

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Liked by: I'm Hir!


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