
Jade Clark ♡♡

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y not!

Ain't worth it . I got in alot of shit . and yeaaaahhhhh . just done with it . I haven't sold in like a while ? like 6 months ?o: ha , soooo .


MY DADDYYY :D lol , vilmerr. i love her. I'd take a bullet for her. she's a good friend, and can count on herrr with my life. She's gorgeous, and deserve's the best. fuck with her, fuck with me. I love you baybeee. c;

how do u really feel about ur ex talon smith be honest....

Dude , looooooook. who ever keeps asking about talon , stahp just staaaaaaaahhhhhpppp. No fucks are givin for talon wade smith's ass. He's a douchelord , and i hope dinosaurs eat him .-.t

Katie Mccracken tho ???

what's up with all these questions about people ? O:
But uh , yeah katieeee , we've been too hell & back , like no joke. we've fist fought, and errrythang. but , we're cool , i think. and she's funny asf. we always have fun together , ahahahha. Yeaaaaah. We aren't as close as we were , but were civil .

Rhyley ???

That's my little niglet. <3 love her to death. No matte how many fights we get in , I will always love her! She'sssssss beautiful. and will have her back on anything. :*

opinion on brianna fulcher?

She has a hard life , so i'm sympathetic to her , but ah . Sheeeeeeee has alot to learn. I don't like her. never will be her friend again, she left my side in a time when i was at the bottom at my lowest, and had NO ONE. like, i swear , no body.. No friends. and she was just like the rest , and chose other people over me, who had her back & wiped away all her tears. She isn't the person i thought she was , and now that she's not in my life , i have less drama. she says the sam about me , but she brought it all on her self. she is one fucked up person for some of the thing she does to people.. like she's just agh . i'm not gonna get into it . but . she isn't right . yee , i miss her. a lot. someitmes i wonder how she's doing & wanna talk to her ,but . Then i remember, she wasn't there for me. so fuck it. yeah , that's my opinion on brianna fulcher ~

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Brittany Land?????

that girl is my best friend , she has bee sense six grade . like 5 years almost . I dunno what in daaaaaa hello kitty i would do without her . I'd no shit fuck some one up for that bitch . That's my other half , and would do anything for her . She's one of the realest friends i've ever had , and i tell her everything . but yee , i love her . ^-^
Liked by: Ashlynn

your beautiful and i love you with all my heart and would love a chance with u in the future.......am not coming off anon so dont ask.....

Okiiiiii. ha, i honestly don't care .. not to sound like a heartless bitch , but ah. I love my boyfriend & don't see myself with anyone but him . that' really sweet of you though .

how long were you with talon??

Stop asking me shit about talon , I don't like his fuckface. i already answered this . 10 motnhs . .

you do anything with either of them.?

worry about yourself, Anon. What i do, is MY buisness & MY buisness only . lol ,

y did kendra get sent off and u didnt?

well , she was on intensive , & i'm only on dcs probation , and she violated more then me, that was like my 2nd violation. but she's coming back in like a week or sooo (':

wat for

wellllllll. it's a VERY long story. but let's say , we were BOTH on probation, she was on house arrest, and we were out at the projects with two other dude's and it was like 4 in the morning, past both of our curfew's, anddddd so were chilling, swinging, and the cops decide to roll through the projects, the two dude's are 18. so, they had no fucking worries. so, they jsut walked to there house & left us. we run and hide behind one of the houses, stand there for about 20 minuites, and i look to see if they're gone, and they were, so we run to the dude's house, anddddddd baaaaaaam. the cops knock on the door, and put both of us in handcuff's. yeah .-. there's much more too it , but that's the main part .


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