
Kevin Exnicios

Ask @Jedimon2005

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Who has the most toys you,shuki,or dosm?

Most in general is hard to say. Most in particular categories, we MAY be able to answer, but even then that would be really tough to know.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Grope myself/masturbate

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ever had any regrets in life

One day I decided I would make an ask.fm and let people ask me questions. Boy was that a mistake.

thoughts on toqger so far

I actually like the show. It has it's flaws. Wagon is just awful. Kagura sucks and has a busted face. The villains don't really do much. But other than that I like it just fine. Akira is pretty enjoyable to watch, and Ticket is just fantastic.Anything involving the puppet makes my day.

what it like having a little girl and your GF who duaghter from a previous relationship is it like having in your life

It's great always having someone there. The small child has no concept of me not being her actual father, plus she's into all the same stuff I'm into, so it all works out. She gets almost as excited about my toys as I do.

ever read any manga

You're supposed to read it? I just buy it to look nice on the shelf and then read the summaries on Wikipedia. That's what I thought it was for.

how often do u buy from cstoys as its the expensive out of the lot and do u use mandarke more often than other online stores also ever use Nippon yassan http://www.nippon-yasan.com/

I buy from them whenever I need a toy right when it comes out and AmiAmi has failed me, which is a lot these days.

do u hate your other RR co horts

I'm not in the Red Ribbon Army. I didn't pass the entrance physical. But if you're referring to my RRR peeps, I wouldn't use the word hate so much as loathe and despise.

do u take pride in what u do

I absolutely take pride in what I do. So much so I don't plan a thing I do until I do it.

are u the best person out of the 3 rrr guys

I suppose Aresol no longer counts or I killed him or whatever, but yes I would have to say I am.

based the other things i have asked and youv answerd with the killing of arasol and hatred of dosm i have to know... what is your opinion of shuki?

Shuki is the worst one of the bunch. First of all, what you (and everyone else) has to realize is that ShukuenShinobi doesn't exist. He's a fictional character created by Brian Dagley. He's the toku version of Larry the Cable Guy. Sure he seems nice and friendly and what not, but it's all an elaborate act. Even when you meet him at say, PMC, he's just walking around living his character to keep up appearances. In reality Brian is a complete, dickish asshole much like Dosm. Hell, he was gonna charge people to take pics with him at Morphicon until Dosm and I talked him out of it. He actually thought he was more important than some of the guests. When we first started the podcast, we realized that having 2 people exactly the same wouldn't work, so Brian decided to use his Shuki character to record each week. It's horrifyingly dishonest I know, but we really wanted listeners when we started, cause we figured "who the hell wants to listen to us 3 schmucks," and his Shuki reviews were pretty popular. It's kind of like how Disney capitalized on Tommy's popularity to try to make Dino Thunder cool. Yes, I did just compare Brian to JDF. After further thought, that's not a bad comparison. Brian's ego is massively inflated, even more so than his waistline. To him, he IS RRR. Yes, Dosm may do titles, and I do the penis and your mother jokes, and Aresol says all the smart shit and killer train stories, but that doesn't matter to him. In his mind without him we are nothing, not even good enough to be stepped on by his shoes. Brian is just a terrible person, and to make matters worse, that fucker actually liked BOTH Goseiger AND Fourze. We tried to get him to express those opinions on the show since Dosm and I disliked both, but he didn't want people to think he was an argumentative asshole. He actually campaigned against both of his, at the time, favorite shows. And would you believe the infamous cookie discussion is all one big lie as well? He actually LOVES the new thicker cookies. He just wanted something else to rant randomly about. So yes, in summation, ShukuenShinobi is about as real as the Tooth Fairy, and Brian Dagley is as big of a crazy, egomaniacal as JDF.

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fav vocie actor

I don't think I necessarily have a favorite. I have a favorite type though, and that's anyone who I can't immediately recognize. For example, as much as I like Dan Green voicing Yami Yugi in the original Yu-Gi-Oh, all other characters ever sound the same, even when they're in the same show. I think he was both Professor Birch and Norman in Pokemon, or something like that. So people who can do more than one voice are usually tops to me.

Is there anything in your collection that you don't have as a whole?

I don't know what this means.

would u like to see a complete sentai team SHF line soon since zuranger and dairanger and kryouyger/gokaiger/shinkenger is complete

Sure? There's no reason they can't finish off the teams they've started, especially since we've seen prototypes of the ones to complete them.

do u prefer cold or hot weather me anything above 20 degress cant stand it 18 degrees and below is my prrefered tempertaure

I'm gonna assume you're using Celsius, so those numbers have no meaning to me. I prefer colder weather.


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