

Ask @Kammynicole

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Did he ever tell you? He's probably using you. I'm sorry....

he just now told me.. and were talking about it right now

U don't even care he's not a virgin and he's what 14? That's crazy. He's a player, but you just like him for his looks. He'll probably just end up using you for sex too.

hes 15, and i do care.

I'm just telling u that Bailey flirts with every girl in my school

haha maybe he used too but not anymore. I trust him (:

You have a new boyfriend all the time. You seem like you just move from one guy to another.

lol no. Ive only dated 2 guys since july. so just stop

Why are you dating Bailey??

Because he treats me like a princess and hes amazing(: hes so sweet and always puts me in a better mood and hes not afraid to joke around with me and everything about him is perfect and hes really really hot and he cares alot about mee((:

you won't make it at orange. I'm telling you this as advice. Orange is a fucking nightmare and the people are ten times worse. Believe me. Stay at olentangy! No one hates you.

im up for a challenge, trust me a million people have told me orange is worse but tbh i dont even care, i need a new start, and yes half the school hates me

im sure you will do fine at orange next year. you seem super nice(: and there are some really nice people there. you will fit in just fine(:

awe thanks(: im really glad someone thinks so(:


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