

Ask @Kammynicole

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Best guy friends?

Caleb Thompson, Ben Saunders, Ryan Kivett, Will N, Kenny, James Rusell, Justin Stringfield, and Antonio.

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R u okay?

You know what, yes I am. Because last breakup I was all down and it ruined like a few weeks of my life. So this time, Im not letting it put me down. Nobody can put me in a bad mood. I do what I want and nobody else can change my happiness. Yea, I've cried but that's okay. My friends always know how to cheer me up.

What did Galen say when he broke up with you

Well I brokeup with him, then I told him I didn't actually mean it and he said were done. He said he hated the fighting and I deserve better and someone who has time for me. Which is exactly what I think I deserve too.

Hannah Latshaw

Is my bestfriend, no actually she's my sister. We've been friends since like 3rd grade and we've been getting closer ever since. She's always there for me and she always knows when I'm down. Every time I hangout with her is the best time ever. She's so freaking gorgeous and funny. I love her with all my heart and I don't know where I would be without her. I'm so excited for 4th of July with her. If your not friends with her you should be.
Liked by: Hannah Latshaw

Galen Cox

Is my boyfriend. I love him very dearly. He's such a cutie and he always knows how to make me smile and get me through my hardest times, oh and he's hilarious. We get in the dumbest fights and I really wish we didn't. He's one of the best things that ever happened to me and he makes me so happy. I wouldnt give him up for the world. He's the only guy I want to talk to and be with(:

Kammy everything's going to be okay. I love you sososososososo much<3

I love you too, thank you!<33

Is daphne one of your best friends?

Yes! I just haven't been putting her in a lot of my other questions because she's Been gone all summer and I haven't really got to talk to her, but yes she's one of my Best friends and she comes home soon(: yay<333

Who is ur funniest friend

Kristen and Hannah and Michela and Ashley and Galen. All my friends are funny though

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Kylee/Hannah/Kristen and Galen

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

With all my friends. With Galen and Ben. Eating peanut butter. And I'd probably Rob a bank


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