

Ask @Kammynicole

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What are you doing this week?

Um my friend from Cleveland is coming down for the whole week. So Monday nothing, Tuesday nothing, Wednesday braces, Thursday nothing, Friday freshman orentation and lock in at my church. Saturday going to lakehouse probs.

Wednesday you get braces!? I want pictures first :)

Hahaha yea, and anyone who asks will get it (: Michela and Ashley already get there picture first. Sorrynotsorry

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She's not rude to me. she's rude to a lot of people though which makes me not like her. I'm only friends with her cause I want more followers. duh

Well then your missing out on having a real friendship with her, sucks to suck.

I do know her. she's really weird.. and rude at the same time

Well she's weird, but it's a good weird. And she's only rude to people she doesn't like, so obviously she doesn't like you.

Jaclyn Adams

She's family. We've been best friends since we were little. Through all the ups and the downs, she's been there. I honestly think we're gonna be friends forever cause of how much we've been through. Can't wait for another 4 years with her (: she's perfect in every way.
Liked by: Jaclyn Adams


He's like a brother to me and i love him. He's so nice and he always brightens up my mood! He's good at lacrosse and we can talk about anything and everything. I really trust him (:

What are most excited about freshman yr ?

More people. And alot of my friends from brookshire are gonna be there (:


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