
Katie Payne

Ask @Kateashlynyo

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What do you want to do when you grow up

Haha, like be specific?
I either want to be a marine veterinarian/salvager or a large animal vet. I want to win NRHA nationals as a professional and train reining horses. I want to own a couple thousand acres and maybe a summer camp or a dude ranch, and I want to travel doing missionary work, spreading the Word at home and abroad.
I want to get married someday too, to a good Christian guy who has dreams of his own and supports mine. When I'm a LOT older have maybe like 2-4 kids.
So. yeah man.

hi, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that I love how pumped up you are for God at such a young age.... keep it up, its inspiring.... love u....

Hey thanks, that means a lot to me:) There are definitely some areas where I could grow a ton though. Who is this?:)
Liked by: Maggy adamson

Hey what are you doing at skull church?

Well on the first day just like greeting people and ushering, and on the second day I'll be there to pray with new believers and stuff, it should be cool, I'll find out more tomorrow! You?

have you ever been depressed

Cowgirls don't cry;)
But seriously nope. Sometimes I get kinda insecure and lose my self confidence, and now is kinda one of those times, but there's no use crying over what can't be changed, you know? It's no one else's job to worry about me or take care of me anyways.

okay katie, you just think that. you're fucking gorgeous, you know that? how are you possibly not what guys want ?

I don't spend hours on my hair or makeup. I'm too tall for most of the ones I know, I speak my mind and tend to friendzone almost everyone immediately, so eventually they kinda give up on me. Plus my standards are probably too high for someone who looks like I do, so I'm kinda screwed man.

Would you ever date josiah, if not you need to give reasons this time, okay?

Nah, we're cool as best friends but we're incompatible like that and would probably kill eachother in the first week
Liked by: Maggy adamson


Language: English