

Latest answers from Kel

What's the last text msg you received?

On my way beautiful xxx
- my momma bringing me the essentials while I’m stuck in quarantine

Do you feel you're living your best life at the moment?

I’m stuck self isolation because the NHS told me I have to. I miss driving my car and going out for food 😩

Do you ever wear headphones so people won't talk to you?

I wish people would bloody talk to me tbh 😂 where the old askfm days at where we all used to sit on tinychat together for hours on end just chatting about pointless shit. Those times made me VERY happy 😩😩

how many boys have you had sex with?

Apparently body counts only count if you finish too 🤦🏼‍♀️ what a waste of time my life has been

i need more coins😫

That’s nice. I need more anti depressants but we all can get what we want now can we

Do you ever wonder what people really want from you?

Not really.
But someone anyone want to add my Snapchat and keep me entertained pls.

Language: English