

Ask @Kiaramarie77655

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Do u ever just go into a fuck the world mindset? And is it wrong to be okay with hating everything

I don’t know

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I don’t want to get married anymore. Have fun playing games with the next one you find, I’m living my life the way I should have been. And I don’t see nothing wrong actually. Stay complicated completely alone. You lose because this isn’t even your game.

I’m not that kind of person ;)

whoever Trista is, if shes here girl go get a restraining order! you got a psycho stalker, he looks deranged af

Same I got the same messages as well 🤣

I just ordered a pizza and a bunch of snacks from 711 lol it’s a gloomy rainy day ⛈️🖤I’m going to veg out what about you what you doing

bobbystar95270’s Profile PhotoHickey
I’m doing good :)


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