

Ask @KittyCatNats

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What brands of makeup do you use? And what kind of makeup do you put on?

I don't usually wear make up but when I do I'll wear concealer if my face is blotchy from just getting out of the shower, jaaa feel? and the brand I use is cover girl!

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I can't believe someone as perfect as you had an eating disorder. Just know you're beautiful and loved!

I'm no where near perfect but thank you so much lots of love!

Do/did you have an eating disorder? just wondering not trying to be mean or crude!

oh no I don't take it to offense at all! but I did yes.

what are good self help books?

my FAVORITE is "the gifts of imperfection" you can get it at any book store, preferably Barnes and noble. the message from the book is about letting go of who you think you're suppose to be and embracing who you are. I think a lot of people could benefit from reading this piece!

that paper touched my heart. Just know you are surrounded by amazing people whether you realize it or not, whether they be your friend or not, but also avoid the bad people.

oh thank you! and yes I realize it, I have such amazing people in my life and I am so so so thankful!

can you teach me how to not use social media? I find myself addicted to it, but whenever I use it I just see other people having fun and I'm just bored and sad not being invited to anything. real depressing

ha yes phones are always a "great" way to deal with boredom and social isolation. it felt really good to be away from social media, but truthfully at the same time i was out of the loop and often even felt left out. I wouldn't cut social media completely, you must find a balance. what you NEED to remember though is that people are constantly posting pictures of them with their friends at the beach, or out to dinner, but something you'll never see is a picture of how miserable they actually are. we as a society are handicapping ourselves. we like to make people think we live these awesome lives when in reality that causes us to feel lonely. go out, do something. yeah you can stay at home all day and watch netflix while playing on your phone but you can do that ANYDAY. go have fun, something you'll remember rather than finishing a season of a tv show within a week. & if you're not being invited heck go out by yourself it's okay. that's when you have some of your best thoughts. at the end of the day you're all that you got, so might as well enjoy yourself right?

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I just wanted to say you seem like such an amazing and strong person, you're a great runner as well! You just seem like the nicest person and i'd love to get to know you!

okay we're chilling this summer, and I'm not even just saying that you know the whole "oh my gosh we need to hang out!!! thing" no. I genuinely think you are one of the most sweetest girls.

I look up to you so much. Your beautiful and kind and outgoing and I would be lucky to be half as amazing as you are. Stay strong. You don't know how many people idolize you every day. Your an amazing girl. Never forget that (-:

I'm sure YOU are an amazing person! I'm not all that great trust me I have my flaws to say at the least haha! thank you sooo much it means alot to me, seriously.

Just wondering but how old were ohh when you went through depression? I am so proud of you for overcoming it and being strong (-: you're seriously beautiful!

it was all through out this school year. it was at its worse in the winter & that's when i went off social media for, four months. but thank you it means a lot it was hell but i guess everything happens for a reason so you always gotta look at the positives!
Liked by: Alissa ❄️


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