

Ask @KittyCatNats

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what color eyes do you like? P.S I just think yours are gorgeous (:

Aww thank you, your such an angel :) & I guess eyes aren't neccesarily an important factor to me, but I think brown eyes on guys is really cute I don't know!
Liked by: Michael

Have you got a dress yet?what stores u gonna check out!

I do have a dress actually :) I bought Hannah Johnson's from last year!

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AHHH I have no idea! I am honestly so shy! And you're so outgoing!

Me outgoing? If only! I usually keep to myself most of the times hahaa! And I wouldn't mind having someone new to talk to!

Ahh I am too shy! I am the shyest person around! I would love to message you, but I'm scare!

Why would you be scared! Who knows we could end up becoming good friends :)

What juniors at WBL do you want to know better?

ALL OF THEM they all seem so nice & seem like such a great time!

u look gorgeous with it but sometimes ur a little orange

Aww thank you, :) & yeah I've been going tanning indoors for prom so that kind of gives off an orange to it with the lotion I use, but personally I'm not a fan of tanning!

You are though! You're honestly so perfect! Like you're super tan, you have a clear complexion, you're so skinny, you have gorgeous eyes, and you're just such a genuine, sweet person! Anyone would be lucky to be your friend!

I WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU AS A FRIEND OH MY GOSH, you are an angel message me sometime on twitter or whatever! I would love to be friends with such an amazing person like you, thank you:)

You're honestly perfect! You're so nice and sweet! You don't even wear makeup yet you're the prettiest girl at our school without a doubt! You don't even try, and you're still outrageously gorgeous :))

Oh my gosh no I'm no wear near to being perfect, I could only wish! But thank you so much, thank you, thank you, your such a sweet heart you have such a great heart :)

what makeup do you wear daily? (brand and name)

I don't usually wear makeup but when I do like on the weekend, I'll wear cover girl liquid foundation, Maybeline mascara, & Elf eyeliner (liquid)

What do you think of Taylor Cortez?

This sounds weird but I feel like I know her in a way and that we would get along reaaaally well, she looks like such a good time and she is absolutely beautiful :)
Liked by: Taylor Cortez Ashley


Language: English