
Lauren Trump

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Link to the best rider(s) you know of here on ask? :)

Jeanie McCormak
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there are a ton more as well :)

Brutally brutally tbh :') Really pretty and seem heaps chilled and nice funny too but I dont know you too well:)

Thanks :)

Tbh: you're really pretty, extremley nice and SO flexible, it's like you don't have a spine :o talk more though xx

Thnx xx

Hi!I just followed you,could you follow me back maybe?Also i'm giving gifts out atm to the people who like 30 of my answers and 30 of my brother's answers(His link is in my bio)...so if you want a gift just do this and when you're done send me a question and i will gift you straight away!Thank you:)

Bilbo Teabaggins (✓)
No thnx
Liked by: emma anson

Loz! I miss ya heaps girly! You've told me what you've been through and I just can't believe it. You act so happy and it absolutely kills me to know you're not okay! I miss you lovely it was great seeing you at the you r u day xoxo I love ya Lauren hope you get better soon -moni

I love you too moni <3<3<3

Equestrian goals?

To jump a metre on max :D
I wish he was a bit older so I could start properly jumping him but that's ok haha :) hopefully I can ride him long enough so he is older and is allowed to jump XD
Liked by: FiftyNifty

lately I've noticed cuts on your legs and hands and I know they are self inflicted and I'm really concerned for your safety! you don't have to answer this but I'd really like you to get help or talk to someone about it because you are amazing and deserve the best! I love you Lauren, happy to talk x

Thank you for your concern but I am fine :). Pm me or kik me if you ever want to talk though? Xx

Awesome thank you does she know any other tricks? I would like I teach my horse more but not sure that to go about it (: x

⭐️Jodie-Mica. Cheeseman⭐️
She can walk onto see-saws, platforms, tyres, wooden raised floors, she can go sideways across a log (with the log under he stomach and her feet oh either side) when I just stand next to it, she can turn her hind quarters when I look at them, she can turn her forehead when I look at them, when I am riding I just breath in to make her go faster and breath out to make her go slower, she can walk through water easily, squeeze in between two tyres which are very close together, and a few other things I cant think of haha

I love you profile pic (: did you teach your horse that? If so how?? X

⭐️Jodie-Mica. Cheeseman⭐️
Really? Yay!!!
I taught her to do it using natural horsemanship. I personally use parelli. It is a pressure release system. You apply increasing amounts of pressure at a steady pace and as soon as they take a step you instantly release it. It gives them a reward. Now she just walks next me and walks on. And sometimes if she is in a good mood she will hop on the tyre, bridge, see-saw and log if I just point to it :). I recommend reading a parelli book, they are quite good


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